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Warsaw Faculty of Architecture

Mostrando 1-3 di 3 pubblicazioni



Has anybody been there? I have been trying to contact the Erasmus responsable from the Faculty of Architecture (University of Technology), whose email I found here:

Then I sent a lot of other emails to other adresses I found, but I still got no answer from nowhere. Do you think I could find another contact? I really want to go study there for one semester and I am not receiving any answer on email.

i'. Studing in Warsaw Univesity ( lingvistic facilty), I found all contacts  on their web site!  another way -to call

Hi, Im going to study the next course in Warsaw University, because I have an erasmus scholarship . I'm Javi, and i study Architecture in Alcalá de Henares (Spain).

I wanted to know, if it's possible to will get an acommodation near or in the university. I'm looking for a students residence, beacuse I see in the web of the university that there is a few students residence, but I don't know if this places are for students in Poland or a Erasmus students.

Thak you.

Mostrando 1-3 di 3 pubblicazioni


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