Roberta Ossimoro

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flag-it Roberta Ossimoro

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Attività di Roberta

  • Forum

    Erasmus Paris 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hi! i'm Roberta , I'm 22 years old and I will be in Paris form January to March for spa stage at the hospital saint Anthoine... I'm looking for a single room in apartment to share with someone else.

  • Coinquilino

    Italian pharmacy student

    Hi! I'm Roberta and I'm 22 years old. I'm an Italian pharmacy student and I will be in Paris for a stage at the hospital Sain Anthoine(11arr) Currently I'm looking for: -single room (so I would like to share an apartment with someone) -from january to march bye!

    in Coinquilini Parigi, 10 anni fa
  • Forum

    Erasmus Paris 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hi guys!I'm trying to do dossier student at crous to have a residence. I will go to Paris from January to march for erasmus placement. During the preparation of dossier I must to select what I'm going to do in Paris but isn't availble the option "apprenticeship...

  • Forum

    Italians in Paris 2014/2015

    Ciao ho un po di dubbi per quanto riguarda  la domanda dell'alloggio.. io dovrei andare il placement, quindi il tirocinio curricolare ma nelle opzioni del dossier studenti non vi è l'opzione tirocinante...non so se è necessario specificare o se basta...

  • Forum

    Italians in Paris 2014/2015

    Ciao ragazzi, io dovrei essere a Parigi da gennaio a marzo, voi avete fatto la richiesta per la residenza al crous? Scade il 30 aprile ma io non riesco a capire se posso farla anche se mi serve per tre mesi...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Paris 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hi! i'm a pharmacy student and next year i sound like to do three months of stage in the hospital'pharmacy ...can anyone give me any information about university Paris sued and the hospital where I could do it?

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