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Erasmus Paris 2014 / 2015 (English)

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Hi Guys!!! I'm Valerio... 25 years I come from Italy and I'm studing economics in Rome and.... BLA BLA BLA(that's not important). Ok! I will go in Paris in the beginning of September. Let's find the accomadation togheter!!!
See you in Paris!!!

Hey Cedric, are you sure about that?

I heard of people who got it and actually they aren't french. To be honest, I don't know... some people told me it's easy to get it and some other told me it's not. 

Hi there!
I'm Alexandra, coming from Austria, and I am going to study at dauphine beginning in September.
I love going out and getting to know new places and people!
It would be so great meeting all of you :)

Hey guys, 

I'm Polly from Leeds, England, and I am coming to work in Paris come august/september 2014 for 6 months. I'm 20 years old and will be coming with my friend Immy, we're looking for roomates to share an apartment/flat with :) get in touch if you're interested :) 

Bonjour everyone, 

My names Jacob from Manchester, I am studying English and American Literature at MMU and I am moving to Paris to study at Diderot - Paris XII is September til June. I am looking for a roommate/s and also for a bit of help and advice. If anybody is already in Paris I am flying out to do some research towards the end of this month if you coul contact me and maybe help me or show me the ropes? Thanks in advance, hope to meet some people soon.



I have seen that you seem to be interested in baby-sitting for next year.

I leave in Saint Mandé (closed to Paris, not far from University Diderot with the tramway) and I am looking  for a native English speaking Student to take care of 2 kids (4 and 6 years old) after school (16H30) or after snack time at school until parents arrival (bath, meal prepared in advance by parents, read, sing if your like it, and play) every Tuesday and Thursday in Saint-Mandé (10 minutes from Metro Saint Mandé)  
If your are interested, you can contact me.

Sincerely yours


Hi everyone!

Im Luis from Spain and i will be studying 9 months since september

in Paris Sorbonne 1..

I am interested in sharing a flat with more students and to make some friends in Paris and discover the city!

I speak spanish, english and french and I don t mind to learn another language, also I don t smoke and I am very clean and an easy person to live with

Contact me if someone is interested



Soy Mayte, el año que viene voy a Paris de ERASMUS, a la universidad PARIS NORD 13 de Villateneuse. Estudio filologia inglesa. Me gustaría conocer a gente que tenga experiencia de estudio en Paris para que me informe de como es la vida en general alli. También gente que vaya el año que viene para q me aconseje residencias que hayan cogido etc. 



i'm a pharmacy student and next year i sound like to do three months of stage in the hospital'pharmacy ...can anyone give me any information about university Paris sued and the hospital where I could do it?

Hey guys!! 

I'm going to study architecture, la villete, district 19 in paris next year, if someone is interested sharing a flat or whatever please contact with me.

I speak english, french and spanish...

Hey David, sorry if i didn't anwser you before but I just noticed your post.

I didn't say that no foreigner could get in the Crous residence but most of the place are provided with an application procedure for local (undersdand French here) students and better is to apply before the end of April.
For french student you need to provide information like your parent incomes, the amount of taxes your family pay and so on...

But I don't know how the application file looks like when you came from an other country.
So the best for you is to try to apply but don't relie so much on Crous all of residence ;)

That's why I suggest you to make your reaserch also in other to increase your chance of finding an accommodation in Paris ;)

By the way, what's the adress of the university that you are going to stay ?


Im a 20 year old English student moving to Paris in July, looking for flatmates from aug/september onwards? Want to find a cool group of people who are up for going out, doing fun things and enjoying  living in the city. Drop me a message if youre interested or will be in Paris at the time



Hi guys!I'm trying to do dossier student at crous to have a residence. I will go to Paris from January to march for erasmus placement. During the preparation of dossier I must to select what I'm going to do in Paris but isn't availble the option "apprenticeship position', but the only option that I could choose is 'diplome en sante' (I'm studying pharmacy and next yea will be my 5th academic year'. Do you think that it could be a problem? Is there someone in my same situation?

Second question: is possible to have residence only for three months?

The last: I have a scholarship in Italy, can I do the request for scholarship even there?

Thank who will help me :)

Hello all,

There has been a change in plans and I will be in Paris starting June 1st. I will live in University provided housing for the first month but will be looking to move into a flat in July, message me if you are interested in sharing. My courses don't begin until late August but I'm looking forward to using the months before to work on my French and get to know the city.

bonne chance à tous,


Hi Guys!

My name is Rodrigo Riaza and I am from Spain, althought I am studying universitying in Washington DC. I am going to be stuyding at Sciences Po during the Fall 2014 Semester( Ill be 20) and I am looking for a place to stay (single/shared). I speak english, spanish and have a good lvel in french. I am open to a lot of options so contact me if you knwo of anything or if you are looking for flatmates!

Good luck in your search!

Hello !! 

Im a 20 year old spanish student! Im moving to Paris next year to study at the university Paris 13. Im studying chemistry engineering. Im looking for flatmates or information about residences and I want to meet people who will be there next year. 

thanks ;)

Hi! I'm Alex from Spain, next year I'll study at Sciences Po, so I'm lookinf for a room in a shared flat from September until June near there, maximun half an hour away.

I speak english, spanish and french, do not hesitate writing to me.

Have luck.

Hi! I'm Lisdye from the US, and I'll be at Sciences Po for the autumn semester of 2014. I'm also looking for an apartment beginning in July/August. I speak English, Spanish, French and a little German. :)

Hi, my name is Celina, im 20 years old and i come from Bath in the Uk. I am also looking for roommates and an appartment for next year in paris (august-july). Im very friendly, outoging and chilled, Messge me if you are interested! 

Hi everyone!

My name is Adrian. A friend of mine and I are leaving Copenhagen Business School for 1 semester, since we got an exchangespot at INSEEC Business School Paris.

We (2 Danish students) are looking for accomodation for the semester, which will take place from ultimo August til Mid/ultimo December. The other guy's name is Valdemar(very traditionally danish). We both live in seperat flats at the moment and are clean and tidy. We would very much prefer to rent rooms in the same apartment. Restriction in monthly rent isn't the primary issue for us, but it has to be reasonable. Nothing outside of Paris is in our interest. HELP A BROTHER OUT! :D

That being said, we would also VERY much like to meet other students - french as well as international. We both have good english proficiency - oral and written. We are VERY outgoing people and love to joke around..!! So hit us up, if you want to chill with baguettes and wine. or not. whatever. :D

XOXO (No homo)
Adrian & Valdemar

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