Attività di Nina
The Cookie Factory
If you were wondering where to eat the best muffins with ice cream, smoothies and natural juices... it is in The Cookie Factory in the Tkalča street, right at the beginning of it, on the left side. It is very close to the city center and a great place to relax after...
Discovering London or how it all began...
6 friends with wanderlust. First big trip. London. After weeks of planning we bought tickets, reserved a hostel and went there. If you are wondering which is the best way to go to London, it is by low-cost airplane. London has 3 low-cost airports and those are:...
Dear students! If you want to try something that people in Croatia eat, this is the right place. It is near Borongaj campus. People in Zagreb say that there are the best čevapi in the town and it is very cheap and delicious. If you order a small portion of it, you...
My experience in Jyväskylä
Hi there people! I did my Erasmus in Finland, at University of Jyväskylä. It was the best time of my life. I met and befriended people from all over the world! University of Jyväskylä is one of the best universities in Finland. There are a lot of exchange and...