tom van kouwen

Programmes suivis

Villes suivies

flag-es Espagne
flag-nl Pays-Bas

flag-nl tom van kouwen

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Université d'accueil :
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Activité de tom

  • Expérience

    Erasmus Experience in Barcelona, Spain by Tom

    Why did you choose to go to Barcelona, Spain? One of the few options available for me to practise my internship abroad. Mostly the customs and the weather mostly attracted me. Source Here they eat at way better times and are more outgoing than in Northern Europe. How...

  • Colocataire

    Looking for an accommodation in central Barcelona

    Hey there, I'm Tom 21 years old from the Netherlands and on February the first till June I will follow an internship in Barcelona. I'm looking for a roomate(s) to find an apartment with. Or apartment offers ofcoarse. I'm a very relaxed guy, which you won't probably see...

    sur Colocations Barcelone, il y a 9 ans

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