marta romanowska
- Ville actuelle :
- Varsovie
- Ville d'origine :
- Université d'accueil :
- Université d'origine :
Activité de marta
alguien se va a paris en enero 2012?
Hola! ve voy a Paris en febrero y estoy buscando piso y companieros de piso tambien!:)
por marta en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Need to meet people going to study in Paris and possibly find someone to share accommodation with :)
I'm not going for Uni. I will go for Internship. And yes, I will go for whole year:)
por marta en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Need to meet people going to study in Paris and possibly find someone to share accommodation with :)
Hi! I will go to paris in October for Erasus Internship! I want to meet people too !!!!:)
por marta en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Erasmus Paris 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hi! Im a student for Poland:) I will be in Paris from February till June and Im also looking for a flatmates :) I speak anglish, spanish and french.
por marta en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Erasmus Paris 2011 / 2012 (English)
Leticia, can you send me more information?? [email protected]
por marta en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Erasmus Paris 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hi! I will go for Erasmus Intenship and I'm interesting in share flat with erasmus people. In this year i was on Erasmus in Sapin and I want to keep in touch with erasus people:)
por marta en Forum Erasmus Paris -
looking for room in Warsaw
Hi! I'm a student from Poland. In next week I come back to Poland from erasmus in Spain. I want to share a flat with erasmus people, for speaking English, Spanish, French:) I looking for a room in the center of Warsow in good price. XX
por marta en Forum Erasmus Varsovie -
French classes
Hi! I'm a student from Warsaw and I want to find somebody who want to teach me French:) I can't speak nothing so i have to start from beginning :) I want find some nativ for French or Belgum. XX
por marta en Forum Erasmus Varsovie