Activité de Jacek
Experience in University of Bologna, Italy by Jacek
Generally, what is University of Bologna like? The oldest University in the world, especially faculty of Law. And you can feel the spirit in the old buildings during the lectures! What are the facilities like? They are old but there are newest ones! What are the tutors...
Experience in Bologna, Italy by Jacek
What is it like to live in Bologna? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? It is students city from year 1088 and it is the best place for students life. What is the student lifestyle like in Bologna? In every corner there is a lot of places for students (bars,...
Experience in Warsaw, Poland by Jacek
Jak wygląda życie w Varsovie? Poleciłbyś/abyś to miasto? Jakie ono jest? Modern city with very nice people, very modern transportation system and cheep prices comparing other countries.Jak wygląda życie studenckie w Varsovie? Warsaw is the largest student city...