Erasmus Porto 2011 / 2012 (English)
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Caoimhin O'Dochartaigh
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey, I will be studying in FLUP for the next college year, arriving on the 2nd of September. I haven't organised any accommodation yet, if anyone has a spare room or is looking to share an apartment at all, give me a shout.
Bob hooyberghs
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi everybody! Somebody who's going to study at ISCAP ? Seems like it's not very popular on this forum :D
Pablo Morcillo
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I´m going to study at ISCAP Bob!!
Last Friday I went to see the facilities ISCAP and not bad, although a bit far from downtown Porto.
Bob hooyberghs
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Nice! Good to hear. What do you study there? I'm doing business communication. I heared it's no far from the metro station, is that correct ?
Neito Antonio
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hello! i am from south american but my parents are Italian, so anybody else from nutrition course in UPORTO?
martina melegari
Écrit il y a 13 ans
hi!!!I'm martina,i'm just arrived in Porto, do you know some place for meet each other???
i'd like to know other erasmus student:))
Pouya Sammani
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hello all! I guess now many Erasmus students have arrived or arriving soon! Is there any Erasmus parties in the city? How should we get informed about Erasmus parties? there is a group in Facebook Erasmus Porto 2011/2012, but it's also dedicated mostly to accommodation. Can't wait to party in an Erasmus way ;)
Pedro Araújo
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Erasmus Parties are normally in Rua de Galeria de Paris.
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi ! Is there anybody who have received the Leonardo Da Vinci grant to Porto? please, let me know and email me !!! kisss
Alessandro Vanzelli
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi! I'll arrive in Porto the 21 September! Anybody going to Universidade Portucalense? Seems like no one is going there!!
Paulina Czostek
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I am looking for a room in appartment with Portuguese and erasmus students. I am Polish studen of law. please let me know whether you are interested in sharing a place with me.
[email protected]
Andres Medina
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I will also study at Universidade Portucalense. I´ll arrive to Porto on Tuesday and I´ll try to fix some appointments to see several shared apartments to rent.
Paulina Czostek
Écrit il y a 13 ans
dude, if you find smth interesting just drop a line. I am gonna spend couple of days on watching places and if there is a good one I am taking it.
enrico caselli
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi! i'm looking for a room/apartment near the Faculdade de Arquitectura (or in centre). I'll come in oporto on the 14th september for 10 months.
If someone is interested for renting or sharing a flat please contact me! Thanks!
pauline vielzeuf
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi i'm also in erasmus in Porto this year and I'm also looking for a share flat so if anyone knows some good place or want to watch with me fo an empty flat contact me : [email protected]
petre r
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi guys! By any chance, is there someone here who will study at INESC?
Cristina López
Écrit il y a 13 ans
hola a todos soy Cristina estudiante española de erasmus, voy a estudiar durante todo el años alli y estoy buscando dos habitaciones para compartir ya que voy con una compañera, llegaremos a oporto el 20 de septiembre, si alguien esta interesado en alquilar dos habitaciones puede contactar conmigo en el email [email protected]
por otro lado si alguien puede facilitarme el numero o dirección de algún hostal o albergue barato para pasar allí las primeras noches hasta que encuentre piso me haría un gran favor, muchas gracias
un saludo!!!
Krystian Tomasikiewicz
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey there! My name is Krystian and I'm going to study on ISMAI from september 2011 to february 2012. I want to live in porto. So if anyone still searching for flat mates shot me :]
my email [email protected]
portuguese phone number: 935270206
Kamila Zięciowska
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi, I am Kamila from Polend and I'm looking for some individual room in Porto, If you "want" me :D call ;93 527 0635 or text in [email protected]
Olga Slemp
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey, I`m an erasmus student from Poland. I`m looking for a single room or 2 single room for me and my friend. If someone have some offerts or can help me let me know.
phone: 93 527 0635 or
[email protected]