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Erasmus Porto 2011 / 2012 (English)

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Hey, I will be studying in FLUP for the next college year, arriving on the 2nd of September. I haven't organised any accommodation yet, if anyone has a spare room or is looking to share an apartment at all, give me a shout.

Hi everybody! Somebody who's going to study at ISCAP ? Seems like it's not very popular on this forum :D

I´m going to study at ISCAP Bob!!
Last Friday I went to see the facilities ISCAP and not bad, although a bit far from downtown Porto.

Nice! Good to hear. What do you study there? I'm doing business communication. I heared it's no far from the metro station, is that correct ?

Hello! i am from south american but my parents are Italian, so anybody else from nutrition course in UPORTO?

hi!!!I'm martina,i'm just arrived in Porto, do you know some place for meet each other???
i'd like to know other erasmus student:))

Hello all! I guess now many Erasmus students have arrived or arriving soon! Is there any Erasmus parties in the city? How should we get informed about Erasmus parties? there is a group in Facebook Erasmus Porto 2011/2012, but it's also dedicated mostly to accommodation. Can't wait to party in an Erasmus way ;)

Erasmus Parties are normally in Rua de Galeria de Paris.

Hi ! Is there anybody who have received the Leonardo Da Vinci grant to Porto? please, let me know and email me !!! kisss

Hi! I'll arrive in Porto the 21 September! Anybody going to Universidade Portucalense? Seems like no one is going there!!

I am looking for a room in appartment with Portuguese and erasmus students. I am Polish studen of law. please let me know whether you are interested in sharing a place with me.
[email protected]

I will also study at Universidade Portucalense. I´ll arrive to Porto on Tuesday and I´ll try to fix some appointments to see several shared apartments to rent.

dude, if you find smth interesting just drop a line. I am gonna spend couple of days on watching places and if there is a good one I am taking it.

Hi! i'm looking for a room/apartment near the Faculdade de Arquitectura (or in centre). I'll come in oporto on the 14th september for 10 months.
If someone is interested for renting or sharing a flat please contact me! Thanks!

Hi i'm also in erasmus in Porto this year and I'm also looking for a share flat so if anyone knows some good place or want to watch with me fo an empty flat contact me : [email protected]

Hi guys! By any chance, is there someone here who will study at INESC?

hola a todos soy Cristina estudiante española de erasmus, voy a estudiar durante todo el años alli y estoy buscando dos habitaciones para compartir ya que voy con una compañera, llegaremos a oporto el 20 de septiembre, si alguien esta interesado en alquilar dos habitaciones puede contactar conmigo en el email [email protected]
por otro lado si alguien puede facilitarme el numero o dirección de algún hostal o albergue barato para pasar allí las primeras noches hasta que encuentre piso me haría un gran favor, muchas gracias
un saludo!!!

Hey there! My name is Krystian and I'm going to study on ISMAI from september 2011 to february 2012. I want to live in porto. So if anyone still searching for flat mates shot me :]
my email [email protected]
portuguese phone number: 935270206

Hi, I am Kamila from Polend and I'm looking for some individual room in Porto, If you "want" me :D call ;93 527 0635 or text in [email protected]

Hey, I`m an erasmus student from Poland. I`m looking for a single room or 2 single room for me and my friend. If someone have some offerts or can help me let me know.
phone: 93 527 0635 or
[email protected]

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