Erasmus Porto 2011 / 2012 (English)
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Sylwia Poper
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi Ana, I will be staying in Vila do Conde and I hope I'll get a room in student's residence. I am still waiting for a reply :) Where are U planning to live?
Janusz Guzowski
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Welcome everybody :)
I will study philosophy at University of Porto from September 2011 to February 2012, I hope we will meet there :) But I have one question - have You received invitation letters already? I still wait and I`m beginning to fear that something is wrong ;)
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hello Sylwia. I will be in Porto from September 2011 to February 2012 (ESEIG), too. And I would like to get a room in student's residence also, because I think is the best way to meet more erasmus students :))
Sylwia Poper
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey Greta :) I also think that living in residence will be a best way to meet other Erasmus students :D And I hope I'll get a room in there :) I am still waiting for reply from them :)
Écrit il y a 13 ans
What will be your specialty there? :)
Sylwia Poper
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I've send You a message :D
Maria Quarto
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I have free rooms in the city center! :)
Sanni Marttila
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hello! I'm going to Porto from September 2011 to January 2012, will be studying at Universidade Catolica.
Is there anyone going to study there also during the fall semester? :)
Alessandro Vanzelli
Écrit il y a 13 ans
hi!! I'm Alessandro from Parma, Italy, and I'm going to Porto for the Erasmus from September 2011. I'm going to study Economics at Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique.. anybody going there too??!
I'm also looking for a room, maybe in a flat with other erasmus students!!
If you want to contact me my email is:
Kasia Skiepko
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi. I'm from Warsaw, Poland and studying at Warsaw School of Economics. I'm also going to Porto and will be studying at Universidade Catolica. Pls contact me on facebook Kasia Skiepko or katarzyna.skiepko
Marta Rak
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi everyone!
I'm also from Warsaw, Poland and going to study in Porto from September 2011. Alessandro will be at the same University and faculty. I'll send you a message on priv.
Jasmine Cellùprica
Écrit il y a 13 ans
HEY GUYS! I saw that looooooooooads of people are going to study at FLUP! I'm going there too! Luckily I've already found a place thanks to this site:)
BUT HEY! We should definitely catch up! ADD ME :)
irene portas
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Is somebody going to study Biology in Faculdade de Ciencias?
I will be in Porto between september 2011 to june 2012. I am looking for a flat in the Center of Porto or in Cedofeita with Erasmus or portugues students!If you know about some flat,room....please contact me: [email protected]!see you soon!!
Diego Rodriguez
Écrit il y a 13 ans
hello!! i´m diego. i´m going to porto with other friend, we ´re going to september 2011 to january 2012. we´ll stydy in CESPU.
We look for floor in the zone of Bolhao or near to Aliados.
MY EMAIL: [email protected]
petre r
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi guys! I'm Petre and I'm going to study at INESC TEC Porto from September 2011 to the end of January 2012. Do you have any idea where I could find a room to rent at a decent price? I've sent a couple of e-mails to the ads posted on this site, but it seems that no one is reading them :( Any help will be much appreciated.
Eamon Muldowney
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey everybody,
does anyone know of an intensive language course in portuguese running in Porto in August?
Eamon Muldowney
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Aagh, it's too late! If anyone else is badly organized like me and missed the EILC deadline but found another course please let me know. thanks
Francesco Schipani
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I also missed the deadline for the EILC and I'm so messed up with portuguese XD.Anyway I should be in porto from september to february at the universidade do porto,faculty of economics...I'm searching for classmate and also people with whom share an apartment...
Eamon Muldowney
Écrit il y a 13 ans
If anybody else wants to do a language course for two weeks from the 15th August let me know because I am booking one and the more people there is the cheaper it will be! :) Here is the link:
Apartm. Porto
Écrit il y a 13 ans
hello. i have 3 apartments to rent in porto city. all of them are in downtown center. you can see them in two sites:
you can email me to: [email protected]
good luck,