Quentin Cornut

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flag-fr Francia
flag-tr Turquía

flag-fr Quentin Cornut

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Actividad de Quentin

  • Compartir piso

    24 year old French boy looking for a flat

    Ciao everyone, my name is Quentin, I am student and I will do an internship in verona for a minimum of three months (from 20 of march until ...). Then I am looking for a flat, a studio, a colocation ... or everything , I need a place !!!!!! =)I just come back from my...

    en Compañeros de piso Verona, hace 9 años
  • Foro

    Erasmus Izmir 2015 / 2016 (English)

    Hello everbody; My name is Quentin from France, I am 23.Next year, I will study Interior Design at Izmir University. So I am looking for flatmates to share a colocation and any advices about the best places to live and more information about the city will be useful for...

  • Compartir piso

    23 years old boy looking for a flatmates for erasmus colocation

    Hello everyone; My name is Quentin, I am a 23 years old French boy. Next year, I will study Interior Design at Izmir University. So I am looking for flatmates to share a colocation and any advices about the best places to live and more information about the city will...

    en Compañeros de piso Esmirna, hace 9 años

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