Paola Tinarelli

Ciudades que sigue

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Entradas en foros de Paola

  • Foro

    Learning Agreement (?)

    Hi everybody! I answer you in english! It's not true that the university of bologna was close on 26 of july, but now is closed until 24 of august if i remember well! I suggest you to let your university send your learning agreement via fax, that's the better way because...

  • Foro

    Erasmus Bologna 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hello everybody! My name is Paola, I am a student and a real inhabitant of Bologna and I am here to OFFER YOU ITALIAN LANGUAGE LESSONS at a very GOOD price! I offer private or group lessons, and the place where they will take place will ALWAYS be a public library in the...

  • Foro


    Hello everybody! My name is Paola, I am a student and a real inhabitant of Bologna and I am here to OFFER YOU ITALIAN LANGUAGE LESSONS at a very GOOD price! I offer private or group lessons, and the place where they will take place will ALWAYS be a public library in the...

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