Programas que sigue

Ciudades que sigue

flag-hr Croacia

flag- Nicolas BREZELLEC

Ciudad actual:
Ciudad origen:
Universidad destino:
Universidad origen:
INSA Rennes

Actividad de Nicolas

  • Foro

    Erasmus 23/24

    Hello, I would also like to know if there is a group. I will be in rijeka for the summer, from june to october. If there is one can you please share it with me! Nicolas

  • Compartir piso

    Looking for an erasmus or student roomates

    Hi, I'm a french student in engineering school, I have an internship in rijeka from mid june to mid october. I'm looking for a place to share or other roommates to be able to make a roommate. I want to take advantage of my internship to make new friends and meet new...

    en Compañeros de piso Rijeka, hace 9 meses

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