Martí Salvador

Ciudades que sigue

flag-de Alemania

flag-es Martí Salvador

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Actividad de Martí

  • Foro

    Erasmus Munich 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hi everyone!I'm looking for acommodation in Munich, and I need it urgently, because I start working there on August and I still haven't found anything. If someone have a free room please contact me, or if someone is looking for an apartment maybe we could take one...

  • Compartir piso

    24 years old boy, looking for acommocation in Munich

    Hi!I'm Martí, 24, from Barcelona.I'm going to be working for 4 to 6 months in Wessling and I'm looking for acommodation un Munich. It's a bit far from work but i want to socialize with young people and have some fun when not working. I'm looking for a shared flat or...

    en Compañeros de piso Múnich, hace 9 años

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