Entradas en foros de Majka
Erasmus Bucarest 2015 / 2016 (Español)
Hola chicos! Voy a hacer mis prácticas en Bucarest durante este verano. Alguién de vosotros ya estará allá? Llego dentro de una semana.
por Majka en Foro Erasmus Bucarest -
Erasmus Roma 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Si a alguien le gusta el teatro, yo y un amigo mío vamos a ver una obra de China, empieza hoy a las 7, es gratuito. No me deja poneros aquí el enlace pero lo podéis encontrar en fejsbuk (tampoco lo puedo escribir :)) como Spettacolo teatrale "Trucco cinese"
por Majka en Foro Erasmus Roma -
Erasmus Rome 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hey :) Ione - yes, I'm planning to do it this way - to go to Rome, to stay in a hostel for a couple of days, see some flats and then decide for one. In my opinion it's better to go because you never can't be sure what to expect just according to the photos. Nadja!...
por Majka en Foro Erasmus Roma -
Erasmus Rome 2014 / 2015 (English)
As many of you I also want to live in a flat with people from different countries and if we found some Italian to share a flat with, it would be just amazing for improving our italian skills ;) ci vediamo :)
por Majka en Foro Erasmus Roma -
Hay alguién que viene a la Universidad Europea para el curso que viene? Y chicas, que ya estáis allí, qué tal está?
por Majka en Foro Erasmus Roma -
Erasmus Roma 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Hola chicos! Soy Maria y estudio derecho. También estaré en Roma para el primer semestre, en la Universidad Europea :) Saludos a todos!!
por Majka en Foro Erasmus Roma -
Erasmus Rome 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hey guys! I'm from Slovakia and next year I'll study law at Università Europea di Roma :) Looking forward to see you :)
por Majka en Foro Erasmus Roma -
En busca de compañeros, compagneras de piso
Yo también. quiero ver el piso antes de alquilar.
En busca de compañeros, compagneras de piso
Hola Lydie! Planeas buscar un piso antes de tu venida a Santiago o después?
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Here is the page of Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILC) - they are free, you apply via your home university, but it's not Spanish (=Castellano) Course, but Gallego. http://www.oapee.es/oapee/inicio/pap/erasmus/EILC.html
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Çağlar, I don't know whether I'm accepted fot EILC. I just applied for it and wait for the decision. But by the time they decide the tickets can be much more expensive. I would like to know if I have a chance to get there. I hope so. Natalia, yes. We have to apply...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
I applied for EILC and it begins in August, 20th. So I plan to come in August, too. I want to find a flat and get accustomed to new surrounding :)
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
My university finally sent my nomination and I received the mail from USC. Have you booked your tickets yet? Or did you think about when to come to Santiago?
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Oh, I haven't received any e-mail. I think I should go to the office of international relations at my university and ask what's the problem. Hope they didn't forget to send my app. ://
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
I found it here - on the page of "Departamento de Derecho Público y Teoría del Estado" http://www.usc.es/es/departamentos/depubteg/materias.html but now when I see it so divided, I doubt whether I filled my application correctly.
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
I'm on second too :) I've just filled some subjects to the application form at my university but as I know we will change our subjects after we come to Santiago because some teachers can say that subject is not appropriate for Erasmus students. I've chosen Idioma...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi girls Natalia and Marta :) I'm also studying law :) which year do you study?
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Are you going to attend Erasmus Intensive Language Course? :)
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi :) i'll be in Santiago for winter term 2012/2013 :)