ibrahim abuowda

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Compañeros de piso ibrahim

  • 24 years old Looking for flat or shared flat

    Hi This is ibrahim, i'm from palestine i speak 2 languages one of them is British english. - I'm looking for a place to live while studying master in Business management at university of rome. with a reasonable price - I would appreciate if any one...

    hace 8 años
  • Looking for flat or shared flat

    Hi,  I'm looking for flat with a cheap price, or shared flat with the important facilities  I will attend master degree in siena  I will appreciate those whome going to contact me for a place.  i'm calm person but with more fun, sporty as well, very good in...

    hace 8 años
  • 24 years old looking for flat or room in siena or rome

    Hi, I will attend the course of Master in Management and E Governance. I will be in italy after 20-10-2015, I will stay at least 1 year.  so i'm looking for flat, or shared room with a good price.  name : ibrahim age : 24 country : palestine. Hope to find a good...

    hace 8 años

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