Actividad de Florian
Swap language Fr/Eng
Hey people! I'm French,just coming back from a year oversea and I need to practice my english not to forget all i learnt! So, I was wondering if someone would be interrested in swapping language with me, so that I could help you with French at the same time if you...
por Florian en Foro Erasmus París -
Nuevas fotos en Pekín
galería actualizada, hace 13 años -
Erasmus Paris 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hey!! I live in Paris and I'm a Student at Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, I saw that some of you are coming to Paris soon so... maybe i can help. I've been traveling a lot and I was lucky to find someone who helped me in each area this was very cool for me!! So...
por Florian en Foro Erasmus París -
UP1-Panthéon Sorbonne
If you need informations about PAris 1 panthéon Sorbonne, just ask!! i've been here for 5 years now so it's like home for me ;)
por Florian en Foro Erasmus París