Fiona Kelk

Programas que sigue

Ciudades que sigue

flag-es España
flag-gb Reino Unido

flag-gb Fiona Kelk

Ciudad actual:
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Universidad destino:
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Actividad de Fiona

  • Compartir piso

    20 yr old looking for accommodation/roommates in Seville

    Hi! I'm Fiona, but everyone calls me Effy :) I'm 20 and I study Spanish and French at Bristol University (UK). I'm going to Seville (UPO) from september to january so I'm looking for a place to live and roommates - ideally students, as many people and nationalities as...

    en Compañeros de piso Sevilla, hace 10 años
  • Foro

    Erasmus Sevilla 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hola everybody!! I'm Fiona (but everyone calls me Effy), from England. I study Spanish and French at Bristol University and I'll be studying in Seville at UPO from september to january. But before then I'll be working at La Banda hostel (by the cathedral) for a few...

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