Camilla Salla
Escrito hace 11 años
hi !! everybody !! im goingo to in september to valencia !! contact me if you wanna meet some people before come to spain. :)
Aris Psycharis
Escrito hace 11 años
enjoin valencia too in sep.. some greek people going to vlc? let me know..hope to meet all of you
Josfran MA
Escrito hace 11 años
Here you are a free room. If we share the expenses of water, internet and electricity, you can live for free!
Martina Postma
Escrito hace 11 años
hi !! going to valencia !! someone already have accommodation? please some help, im moving to vlc in the beggining of september :) contact me :)
Amy Carter
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi, I'm coming to UV from September to June but I'm going to be studying at the Burjassot-Paterna campus - is anyone else going there or know anything about it, what student accommodation is available etc.?
Eduardo Machado
Escrito hace 11 años
hi :)
I will go to UV (science of nutrition), but a friend who was in erasmus in my college, said classes will be in burjassot (I guess it is 10/15km from the downtown). she recommended to live in downtown
Amy Carter
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey Eduardo! By downtown do you mean in the Blasco Ibanez area? That seems to be where everyone is talking about living.
Eduardo Machado
Escrito hace 11 años
hi amy
yes. If you live far away from valencia, you won't have fun. I prefer to live in downtown and catch a subway to college
geeg Noidea
Escrito hace 11 años
hey everyone!! i have a room free since august in blasco ibañez area!!! near to UPV and the subway " Amistad"
Anyone is looking for a room???
Josué A.C.
Escrito hace 11 años
Hello everyone,
I am a 26 year old guy from Valencia and I live in an apartment in the city center, close to the most important metro (subway/underground) stops and the train station. I have 2 free rooms (they are big and furnished) and I'm looking for nice roommates to share. I can also show you around, and teach you how to cook typical Valencian and Spanish dishes. If you are interested, don not hesitate to contact me ;)
I am sure you will all have a wonderful experience in Valencia!
- Josué
Lucy Block
Escrito hace 11 años
My name is Lucy, I'll be on my Erasmus year studying at the University of Valencia (on the Tarongers campus) starting in September. I'm looking to meet a few new people on this webiste that will also studying in Valencia so when I arrive I might know a few people! Feel free to message me :) I have just started looking for accommodation and would be interested in living with Spanish students in order to improve my Spanish! Or students from around the world. I do have some friends from my University in England also coming to Valencia so we just want to start meeting more students!
Nuria SB
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everybody! My name is Nuria and i'm spanish. I'm a student of the UV (tarongers campus) but last year I was an erasmus student too, so I'd like to keep in touch with international people. I remember the feeling of waiting impatiently until the day arrived and now, without realising, i'm back to Spain. I always want to meet new people!
Feel free to ask any doubt you may have about accomodation, university, way of life, transport, blablabla. and I'll be happy to help. Also we can meet when you arrive to solve any problem you have. I know how tough it can be to be a foreigner in a new country.
Just contact me!
P.S. Excuse my spelling mistakes, please, my English is not as good as it should.See? Avoid spending all your time with people from your country or you won't improve your Spanish!
Nuria SB
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey guys, I have been asked for some information about the best area to live in Valencia if you are attending classes in the UV (Campus de Tarongers) but this info is also useful for UPV (Campus de Vera) as they are side by side.
I have drawn some lines in a map representing what is, in my opinion, the best area to live close to these unis. Blasco Ibáñez is a long street full of students, shops, supermarkets, gyms, etc. Note that if you are going to the cited campus, not all the parts of Blasco Ibáñez are near the uni. The beginning of this street is a little bit far and you would have to go by bike, bus or metro(underground/subway/tube) if you don't want to walk 20-30 mins. So if you find a flat on the internet that you are interested in, don't forget to see the exact location on Google Maps.
There are also other streets and squares like 'Serpis', 'Ramón Llul', 'Plaza Honduras', Plaza Xuquer', 'Plaza del cedro', 'Explorador Andrés' and half of 'Manuel Candela' (since it's a long one too) that are well located for students.
The normal price per person per month is 150-200€. Normally you'll have to pay your electricity, internet, phone, and water bills separately, so take it into account.
I hope it helps! Byee! XX
Sayeed Raja
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everyone, feel free to contact me as I would definitely like to get to know people before heading off in September. Anyone staying in damia bonet accommodation?
Alexander Ford
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey guys!
I visited Valencia on Wednesday, as I live in Alicante for the time being, and loved the area straight away! I have just completed a year in California on a study abroad programme as well so have an idea of what to expect in a way!
I will be studying at UV on the Taronges campus I believe (Business/Economics school?) and was wondering if anyone else were going to be situated on that campus?
Feel free to contact me, should you want to :)
Laura Quiñones
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey everyone!
My name is Laura I'm from Colombia and I'm excited to start my semester in Valencia. I will attend classes at UV and stay at Damia Bonet.
So if you're in one of those feel free to contact me because I'll be glad to know someone before arriving to the city. :)
Jonathan Taverny
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everyobyd,
I'm jonathan and i come from France. I will study in the Universitat de Valencia.
I would be very happy to know people before i come in valencia.
Don't hesitate to contact me to share flat, to talk each other.
Hasta luego!