Carmine Russo
Escrito hace 11 años
holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D ! who starts the Erasmus to UV in September?
Lucia Tverďáková
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi :) I´m from Slovakia and I´m starting Erasmus in UV in February 2014. You can contact me, if you want :)
Narongrit Unwerawattana
Escrito hace 11 años
hi, i'm going to UPV this year too, nice to meet you all :)
Jannes Valkeneers
Escrito hace 11 años
Hii ,
I am a student from Belgium , From September to February I am going to study in Valencia . I will study economics in the third year. Would be nice to share an appartement with students all over the word ( especially with Spanish students want I want to learn the language really bad)
Let me know something!!
Carmine Russo
Escrito hace 11 años
Lucia Tverďáková thanks for the new world that you have shown me! :P
Kaibin Tang
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi there! I am also going to UPV next term and will stay there for 1 year. But I am going to the Gandia campus... And you guys all seem far away.... So is there anyone going to the Gandia campus? I am finding accommodation.
Chiara Menegatti
Escrito hace 11 años
Hello guys!
I'll go to Valencia on september, faculty of biology.
I would like to know some people before the departure..
If you want, contact me!! :D
Dat Pham
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi guys, I'm a student from Belgium and I'm going to UV in september for the first semester ! Who's going there too ? :D.
Aaron Saunders
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey everyone, I'm a student from Belfast, Northern Ireland and I'll be going to Valencia in September also! I will be there for both semesters!
Giulia Valencia
Escrito hace 11 años
Hello guys,
I'm from Italy and I will study in Valencia from January 2014.. is there anybody that wiil be in Erasmus in the spring semester? see you then!!
Olcay Carki
Escrito hace 11 años
Im from Turkey. ım starting UPV frist semestr (A). Presumably I'll goto Alcoy capmus, if you too, contact with me.
Sayeed Raja
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi all
I should be coming to Valencia from England in september for one year. I look forward to having crazy parties!!
Sayeed Raja
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi all
Anyone know how i can apply for university accomodation?
Enrico Danisi
Escrito hace 11 años
hello to everyone! I'm Italian and I'll come to the end of December in valencia;) but now are in Belgium for the Erasmus placement! I hope that in valencia i could have an adventure like this. If you want to contact are more than happy!
Sayeed Raja
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi all,
anybody staying at the Damia Bonet accommodation? If so contact me :)
Claudia Negroni
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everyone :)
I'm Claudia from Italy and I'll be in Valencia for the Erasmus Placement from July until November 2013...byeee :)
Carol Menar
Escrito hace 11 años
hi !! also going as erasmus from september to june !! i would love to know some new people who is join as well the erasmus program in valencia !! hope to meet you all of you guys ! :)
April Schuppel
Escrito hace 11 años
Hello everyone!
My name is April and I am from New Jersey in the United States. I am an Industrial Engineering Student at the New Jersey Insititute of Technology.
I will be attending UPV in the fall and cannot wait to meet new people and have a great time! I have a lot of questions since I have never been to Europe before!
Feel free to contact me. :)
Alexander Ford
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey guys I will be studying at Valencia University for the whole year. Can't wait to start. Feel free to contact me :)