Escrito hace 13 años
Ungly was a typing mistake (so not true) :o
watch you body language man, my reply isn't always as sweet :p
our bench is not a democratic state! It will be my little dictature! ;)
rule nr 1: there's always time to party at the bench!
Fransesco if the hostivar is full, want to search a flat with me and panos? :)
Jakub Žižka
Escrito hace 13 años
Hanne: czech rule n.1 - you cant drink any alcohol on the bench in the city center:-)
Deniz Hacısalihoğlu
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi everyone! I'm in Prague now and think that you maybe want to know something about weather or another things?
It's generaly cold and windy. Very very interesting weather. I don't know why but i really feel cold here. And also i did'nt bring any warm clothes. :)) By the way, it's raining now. :/
Any questions?
Jakub Žižka
Escrito hace 13 años
I alse read thta we are the coldest country in Europe right now:)
Q: Have you tasted Staropramen (beer)?
Simon Vandenbunder
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi everyone, i'll be in Prague next september to study Political Science in Charles University !
I just received an email from the coordinators of University to apply for a room in Hostivar residence and i have a question... a friend of me who was studying at Charles Univ last year told me that she has paid about 3000 czk (=120€) per month at Hostivar ; but the price i found (http://www.czechcampus.com/Downloads/PriceList.pdf) are : 380 czk per day, so 11 400 czk per month (=470€), it's way to expensive for what i heard about Hostivar... what do you think about it ??
(srry for my bad english ;)
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
Hey Simon!
The residence is cheaper if you are an Erasmus student! I've seen a PDF on the uni webpage but it was very confusing.
Anyway I just talked with a guy who is still living there and he told us he has been paying 120 euros per month, so no problem.
He also said that what they tell us in that email is not very faithful to reality, as those 1800 are returned to you if you decide to leave earlier! But I'm not sure if this will be useful for next course, let's hope it is!
Simon Vandenbunder
Escrito hace 13 años
Ok, thank u for your quick answer!
Maybe we'll meet each other around a beer in september !
Çağatay Özdemir
Escrito hace 13 años
why is Hostivar 120 Euros for Charles students when it's 250 Euros for another college's students even it's Charles dormitory!?! that's unfair. dislike.
Francesco Ricci
Escrito hace 13 años
@ Hanne & Panos....of course I'll be looking for a flat with ya'll....actually I think I'll be looking for a flat anyway, couse I'm not really intrested in Hostivar and dorms in general:)
And also beside me there's gonna be, probably, another italian guy looking after a flat with us!!!
Escrito hace 13 años
I'm also planning my journey there, for it is something I want and I come from a long time planning.
Czech Republic is a country that appears interesting to meet and go, places that have told me to visit are those who look online and seemed very nice.
These places are the Old Town Square, The Old Town Hall, Astronomical Clock, Powder Tower and the Museum of the City of Prague.
The accommodation has booked me a friend who is already there, in an
appartement prague with comfortable facilities and where they enjoy my stay in beautiful Prague.
Deniz Hacısalihoğlu
Escrito hace 13 años
@Jakub Žižka No, not yet. :)
Jakub Žižka
Escrito hace 13 años
Deniz Hacısalihoğlu: a terrible mistake:)
Adam Hamilton
Escrito hace 13 años
Anais, I think Gawain and the Green Knight was written a little bit later than Beowulf, but they've both been translated into modern(ish) English. If you try reading them in the original Anglo-Saxon then I'll be very impressed.
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
I'm not that brave! haha I can't even stand reading El Quijote in Spanish...
I just bought Milan Kundera's Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí (The Unbearable Lightness of Being) in Spanish. I think I'll bring this book to Prague and maybe Austen's Pride and Prejudice :) it never gets old!
Aaron Barreto
Escrito hace 13 años
In Faculty of Arts, you can get a subject about Cervantes... Please get it! And you can read Quixote... Hahahaha!
Patricia L
Escrito hace 13 años
Pride and Prejudice!! One of my favs.
Margaux Cosne
Escrito hace 13 años
Hey, we're still looking for flatmates! (we're two French girls) We found some amazing aparts and are waiting for answers, you should have a look, it would cost about 300Euros per person to live in the Old Center! don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested or have any questions.
Çağatay Özdemir
Escrito hace 13 años
300Euros? That hurts my budget. Im looking for flats which costs 150-200Euros per person. If anyone find flats like that,and if they need flatmate,keep in touch.
Anikó Garai
Escrito hace 13 años
Anais, it seems we have quite similar plans regarding books:) - I'm planning to bring Postriziny by Bohumil Hrabal, and Jane Eyre:D (that's my "never-get-bored-of" classic). Btw, I have just seen the film adaptation of The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and it was really good, so I can only recommend it:)
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
Jane Eyre is my favourite book :D but Pride and Prejudice is funnier and easier to read!
I'm so happy you like Charlotte Brontë and Jane Austen :DDD it seems that, as my high school English teacher said, only people studying our degree or English teachers like them haha
I'll watch the film as soon as I finish the book ;D