Aaron Barreto
Escrito hace 13 años
Hey Adam, Did you choose something about history of Art at the end? I study history of art!
Marta Prieto
Escrito hace 13 años
@ Margaux Cosne: Finally!!!!!!!! Medicine students in Erasmusu!!! and from the second faculty!!! you are the first people I know. I will be doing my 5th year, and you??
@ Adam: are you doing the EILC in Albertov from 1st to 26th of August?? I will
Barbora Sušienková
Escrito hace 13 años
looks like i'm not coming. :-( they said i'm too young (i'm 19) and i chose too difficult subjects (how can they know what is difficult and what is not for me?) my coordinator said i can go next year or in summer term or we can try to change the subjects, but she said it's probably not gonna work. :-( i'm so sad and angry. these people are killing me.
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
I'm so sorry Barbora :( try to change those damn subjects if you can!
Çağatay Özdemir
Escrito hace 13 años
Guyz There is single room in Kolej Hostivar. Ive just recognized. Check it if you want
Cristina Villacampa
Escrito hace 13 años
Hello!!! I'm studying the last year of Biology and I'm going to the Charles University in February next year, someone else???
Aisling Nolan
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi Adam! I picked some of those courses that you mentioned! Are you going for the full year?
Francesco Ricci
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi Hanne,
like you and Panos I won't be there before february, and I'll be looking straight for a flat, so for the fist few days keep some space for me too.....even under the bench:)
Adam Hamilton
Escrito hace 13 años
@ Aaron, I think I might have. I can't remember most of the course titles I chose haha.
@ Marta, yeah I am. I'm staying in Hostivar dorms, and I just confirmed a couple of days ago. Look forward to maybe seeing you.
@Aisling, yeah I'm there for the full year. Some of the modules I picked might have to change but hopefully I get to keep most of them! I want to do something other than English/American literature while I'm there.
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi Francesco! I'll have to discuss this matter with Panos, but I'll guess that won't be a porblem, Panos told me it's all about the sharing ;) I hope they have bick benches in prague! And where/what will you be studying?
Escrito hace 13 años
ofcourse I mean big and not bick, what was I thinking
Théo Pomet
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi guys!
I let you an other message because I am still looking for roomates for share a flat in september in Prague. We are two french people and we would like an erasmus flat to spend an amazing semester!! ;)
I am waiting for your answers
Romain Fourier
Escrito hace 13 años
Théo, we are even 3 french guys wanting to share a flat ;)
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
I think most of us can't tell you guys we want to share a flat because we will be living at the university dorms for some weeks just to meet people and stuff, but then most of us will be looking for people to share a flat
Emre Özen
Escrito hace 13 años
First Hostivar, then Flat :) every people should rent big flat for partiess :)
Romain Fourier
Escrito hace 13 años
In hostivar, don't you have to pay if you break the agreement contract ?
Emre Özen
Escrito hace 13 años
probably i wont. because i will make contract just for 1 month or 2 month :)
Çağatay Özdemir
Escrito hace 13 años
Indeed. Im gonna pay for 1-2 monts too. After living a couple of months in hostivar,i am planning to move a flat
panos kar
Escrito hace 13 años
hanneeeeee ....best moment ever in the forum...
hey,of course fransesco can fit...all the good people fit in this bench....
we cant let fransesco be under the bench...
hanne, do you want to be in the middle ??? haha :o :O
guys what are we gonna do with this home issues?
if hostivar is full?
Çağatay Özdemir
Escrito hace 13 años
Then we move a flat Pano, as i mentioned before we rent an apartment for erasmus student ; Worldwide apartment ,D