Julia Pettersson
Escrito hace 14 años
Hi! Im Julia and Im going to study at UCM from sept - feb (2010/2011). There was no facebook group for us 2010/2011 so i started one. Join it here please, http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=116377321747771&v=info&ref=ts and spread the word about it. Maybe you want to start a conversation about any party or how to find accomandation. I suggest www.segundamano.es, its good. I am going to live in Argüelles and I've heard good about it. I applyed to the spanish course, anyone else?
Márcio Kirzner
Escrito hace 14 años
hey everyone, its been a while since i've come here, i dont know how everyone is doing in the whole room process but here is what i have to say: I just got back from madrid today, spent the whole weekend looking at rooms, prices range from 300 to 500 with expenses included. I saw a lot of really crappy apartments and rooms that were asking for more than 400€ euros. But I also found some pretty good ones. Finally I made my decision and decided to take an apartment that is located in Calle Andres mellado. its really close to ucm and calle de la princesa (plaza de españa) and its brand new (all renovated) it has for 4 rooms, I will be living there with two other spanish girls and so there is still one room avaiable. its 350€ with all expenses included, I am not the landlord but he said I could advertise so that way there would be two spanish and two erasmus students living in the house. If you are interested just add me or something. Best of luck to you all!!! =D
Anna Grzybowska
Escrito hace 14 años
Hi there:) Márcio that sounds interesting. I´m also looking for an apartment. Could U send me some photos? How much is the deposit?
raphael castelnuovo
Escrito hace 14 años
i am interested too. If you want send me the photos ;)!
mocha chica
Escrito hace 14 años
Anyone looking for a place about Moncola?
Mila Lyutskanova
Escrito hace 14 años
Going to UCM in Sept, looking for a place to live near the center with a bunch of people so I don't have to pay more than 250 a month. Anybody has sth to offer? :)
Daniel Drugge
Escrito hace 14 años
Hey! Gonna study at UCM september and forward. Looking for a place to stay of course so if anyone need another room mate I'm down :D
Francesco Fordred
Escrito hace 14 años
Hello everyone , i'll be studying in madrid from sept 2010 to june 2011 at UCM :)
i0m looking for a shared flat with other erasmus students...i'll come to madrid one week before the beginning of courses to check the apartments...does any of you have any suggestions? :)
Carolina García
Escrito hace 14 años
Dear all,
I am renting a very nice flat with 3 rooms very close to the Retiro Park.Subway station "Sáinz de Baranda", direct line to Complutense and Politécnica.
For further info email me to [email protected]
Jesus Arcas
Escrito hace 14 años
Hi! I'm Jesus, from Madrid. I've been last year studying in Paris. I want to continue now my erasmus experience in my city, speaking different languages and trying to help you.this year i gonna study at UAM.
I also rent a furnished flat for students near to avda de america, 3 bedrooms, one kitchen with electrical appliances, one bathroom and living room with television, and lift. Near to prosperidad subway station and bus lines 1,9,72 and 73. the price is 970 euros, community fees included. if you are interested you can contact me by email: [email protected]
A. Öncü
Escrito hace 14 años
anybody for UAM in Sept. 2010?
Gianluca Maggiolini
Escrito hace 14 años
Hi everyone, i'm going to Madrid on 12h September and studying economics at UAM for 10 months! i've to found a room but i'm already ready for parties!
Escrito hace 14 años
hi,l'm going to study Political Science at UCM in Somosaguas!=)
Jasmien Aerts
Escrito hace 14 años
Hi everyone ! I'll be studying Literature at UCM from september till February. :) I also need an appartment and I think sharing one with other erasmuspeople is a great idea. So suggestions are more than welcome !
Francesco Fordred
Escrito hace 14 años
sounds good :)
Michel SC
Escrito hace 14 años
Hi partypeople!
I'm going to UAM from Sept-Feb, Business & Economics.
Will search for a room anywhere that is max 40mins by metro/train to UAM, meaning near C4 line and also the lightblue metroline 1 and darkblue metroline 10.
I was searching on idealista.com but a lot of the apartments have +30 working people..
Ideally, we all could share a party-apartment ??? :-)
send me a message if you're interested.
Carolina DP
Escrito hace 14 años
Hello everyone!!! I have a room to rent in Av America/Diego de Leon (line 4,5,6,7,9). We rent it from Sept and for one year or academic year. In the house live one spanish guy (28) and me (25). The house is pretty big and nice. The rent is 340eur/month + 1month deposit. If you are interested or need more info or pictures, pls feel free to write me: [email protected]
Carolina DP
Escrito hace 14 años
Hello everyone!!! I have a room to rent in Av America/Diego de Leon (line 4,5,6,7,9). We rent it from Sept and for one year or academic year. In the house live one spanish guy (28) and me (25). The house is pretty big and nice. The rent is 340eur/month + 1month deposit. If you are interested or need more info or pictures, pls feel free to write me: [email protected]
Robin Pot
Escrito hace 14 años
I'll be landing in Madrid on the 5th of September and I still need a room. I will then start my search. Who's with me to start looking for a nice erasmus apartment?
Email me: [email protected]
raphael castelnuovo
Escrito hace 14 años
i will be there from the 7th!