Erasmusu Staff
Escrito hace 14 años
Welcome to the forum for Madrid 2010 / 2011!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Madrid in 2010 / 2011 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Madrid, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Madrid
- People who have been, are and will be in Madrid
- A photo gallery of Madrid
- Erasmus experiences in Madrid
- The map and weather in Madrid
- The Universities in Madrid
If you're a student who's spent time in Madrid in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Madrid by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Madrid win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Paulina Pomykała
Escrito hace 14 años
Where are you all? I just can\'t find any meeting of eramus students in Madrid. Are here only parties for students and nothing else like events to meet and have a good time? Let\'s meet!!!
aurore tilaud
Escrito hace 14 años
i've found nobody too! are you already in madrid, or will you go next year?did u find somewhere to live? I m looking for other erasmus to colocate...
waiting for your message. ;D
Sophie P.R
Escrito hace 14 años
I'm going to Madrid in september for a year what about you ?
Marion Labat
Escrito hace 14 años
Me too ! I'm going to Madrid (UEM Villaviciosa de Odon) in september.
Paulina Pomykała
Escrito hace 14 años
I'm already in Madrid And I'm going to leave at 12th June!!! Aurore Look for Madrid Babel on facebook It's not the erasmus party , moe like exchanging languages. And Go to the club Cafe MAdrid On wednesday!!! We will met there!;D
Paulina Pomykała
Escrito hace 14 años
No I'm right now:D
Stefano Durden
Escrito hace 14 años
I'm Italian and I'm going to go to Madrid next september! at Universidad Complutense! u?!
Sophie P.R
Escrito hace 14 años
Same for me, I'm going in september to the Complutense
Elodie Schalenbourg
Escrito hace 14 años
Same, I'll be in Madrid from Sept to Feb (at the Complutense too :) ).
Do you guys have any information about where the best place to live is?
Hope we'll meet there in a few months ! :)
aurore tilaud
Escrito hace 14 años
just like u all, I'll be studying in complutense too. (Law ...) and you?
have you ever chosen were you'll live?
and ooooh, Paulina it's so bad you leave in june, i'll arrive in september the 1st T__T' .Perhaps you'll come back and we'll meet us in the Pub café lol . Have a good end of stay there.
(sorry for my english which is not so good ^^, )
Sophie P.R
Escrito hace 14 años
Everyboday says that the best is to leave in the center of Madrid, where all the night life is going on... I lookingg for a place that looks like "l'auberge espagnole" (les francophones connaissent :) )...
Elodie Schalenbourg
Escrito hace 14 años
Sophie if you find any place like this tell me about it ! ^^ Would me amaaaazing !
(The title of that movie in Spanish is "Una casa de locos", if you ever wanna explain to someone what you're looking for :p)
Also, I was thinking about going to a residence (I think they call them "Colegios mayores" or "residencias universitarias") but I don't know whether this is a good idea or not... If anyone knows what's best, residence or flat, and has got any tip about it... =D
Stefano Durden
Escrito hace 14 años
"l'auberge espagnole" or in the italian title "l'appartamento spagnolo" is a very good movie! if you think that we the member of this topic look for a flat together, it would be a kind of that situation!
anyway, Aurore, I'll be study languages at Complutense. I know that the university is in the zone called "Moncloa", but even if you get an apartment in the outskirts of the city you can reach easily the university by the metro!
Elodie Schalenbourg
Escrito hace 14 años
Hey Stefano, I'll be studying languages as well ! I think I'll be part of the "Filología románica" department :) What languages will you be studying ?
I like the idea of "l'appartamento spagnolo" hehe =) Though it'd mean many French-speaking people together ^^ Let's find some German, Spanish etc.. haha :)
Stefano Durden
Escrito hace 14 años
I study english and spanish! but if you'll take part of the "Filología románica" department it means you'll follow the "estudios de segundo grado"! I'll study following courses mainly from "Grado en Lenguas Modernas y sus Literaturas". :)
Sophie P.R
Escrito hace 14 años
I'm going tto Madrid this summer (final jully) with a friend to look for a flat of that kind. Does anybody want to join us?
Elodie Schalenbourg
Escrito hace 14 años
Stefano actually I'm not so sure what kind of course I'll be following (I'll be in 3rd year), anyway I'll tell you more when I know haha :) And we'll probably be part of the same faculty !
And Sophie, I have already booked a flight for the end of June, but if I have any tip I'll tell you about it when I'll be back :)
Alexandra K
Escrito hace 14 años
Noone is going to univ. politecnica? no engineer here? ;);P im going on september to madrid, and im looking somewhere to live in. have you all found already something or not yet? and elodie are you going to madrid in june???
Alexandra K
Escrito hace 14 años
hey everobody! Noone is going to univ. politecnica? no engineer here? ;);P im going on september to madrid, and im looking somewhere to live in. have you all found already something or not yet? and elodie are you going to madrid in june???