Erasmusu Staff
Escrito hace 13 años
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Bologna 2012 / 2013!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Bologna in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Bologna, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Bologna
- The accommodation in Bologna
- The blog Erasmus Bologna
- What to see in Bologna, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Bologna
- People who have been, are and will be in Bologna
- A photo gallery of Bologna
- The map and weather in Bologna
- The universities in Bologna
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Bologna or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Bologna.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Lisa Luciani
Escrito hace 13 años
My name is Lisa Luciani and I am from Denmark. I will be in Bologna from September 2012 and for about six months to study. Let me know if you have good tips about apartments, places to go, things to see, etc. :-)
Malia Martino
Escrito hace 13 años
Hello :)
My name is Amalia and I'm from France!
I'll be in Bologna from September 2012 too! I'm looking for rooms and apartments .. Let me know if u want to speak with me :)
Bienschen Summ
Escrito hace 13 años
Hey there.
My name is Sabine and I'm coming from Germany.
Is there somebody who will be at Bologna from february to july 2013`?
London Student
Escrito hace 12 años
I'm from England and will be going to Bologna from September 2012 - July 2013 :)
Aleix Coll
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi! I'm from Catalonia, Spain, I'm 20 years old, and I'm studying Bussines and Administration.. I don't know how really is named in english, but I think that's kind of this! :)
Pablo Rodríguez
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi! I'm from Galicia, Spain. I'm 22 years old. I'm studying Story of Art. See you in Bologna people XD!!!
Laurita Martinez
Escrito hace 12 años
I am from Seville but I study in Huelva. I am going to study next year ( Psicología) at Cesena but I hope to live there ( in Bolonia)
Ci vediamO!!!
Jose Rodríguez
Escrito hace 12 años
I´m Jose, i am from Vigo (Galicia Spain) I will be in Bologna during the next couse but im not sure yet how many months! i study engineering an i will go to do my end of degree project.
Im not sure about the campus where i will have to go but y hope to live in Bologna
See you!!
Anna Nordlander
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi all!
My name is Anna and I'm from Uppsala, Sweden. I will be studying law in Bologna in the autumn of 2012. If anyone has any info about accommodation, courses, the uni etc, I'm all ears :D
Take care!
oscar abel
Escrito hace 12 años
Gentle Anna,
I offer a big single room in a big and shiny apartment in centre of Bologna.
The flat is composed by three single rooms, two bathrooms, one big kitchen and corridor.
All resources and comfort (water, light, gas, internet, etc) are included in the monthly price of 360.
Write me if you are interested!
See you and have a nice summer
PS there are photos on my page Erasmusu.
Maria Ris
Escrito hace 12 años
hi guys!!!! :) im from greece and im coming at bolonia from september about 6 months... im studying psuchology !!! :)
i dont know where i will be ....(i mean if i will be at cesena or bologna ...)
i will be on italy from august because i will do language courses.... :) is there someone who takes language courses??? and i want to ask if somebody know if the univesity give us a flat to live or we have to rent a house...!!
thank you guys! :) i hope to see you in few months there!
Federico Tringali
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi everybody, i'm Federico and i study law at Bologna University. If you need an accomodation (single room in a beatiful area) starting from the 1st of september or if you need advices about the city/faculty contact me.
Have a nice day.
Ivana Antunović
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi guys :)
Im from Croatia and i'm coming to Bologna in September 2012 and staying for the whole year! :) Im 21, and studying Business Administration!
Im also looking for info about accomodation, courses and everything :D Im planning to be in a hostel or something first few days untill i find accomodation and roommates there, anyone planing to do that too?
See you in Bologna!! :)
oscar abel
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi Ivana,
I have big singlke room for you if you need.
Write me on soon if you re interested
Have a good day and keep in touch!
gianluca trevisani
Escrito hace 12 años
Salut Amalia :) moi aussi je suis français et l annee prochaine je pars en erasmus a Bologne. On pourrait se contacter pour s échanger des renseignements ? Merci
Elle Outram
Escrito hace 12 años
Hello everyone,
I'm Elle and I'm currently studying at the University of Bristol in England. This September I'm coming to spend the year studying law in Bologna - can't wait! Would love to know more about how to find accommodation and where I should be looking in order to find somewhere near to the law faculty.
Thanks! x
Pedro Acosta
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi, I´m from Granada, Spain. I´ll stay in Bologna from 2012-2013 as student of the Physical Activity and Exercise Science Faculty and I would like to get in touch with some person of this career to solve questions and keep in touch.
I´m also looking for some acceptable and cheap residences near of the historic centre. So, let´s me know if you know either :)
Thank you very much. Keep in touch :)