¿Tienes claro tu destino? Los mejores chollos en alojamientos son los primeros en volar, ¿dejarás que se te adelanten?

¡Quiero buscar casa YA!

Portuguese Teacher with years of experience

  • flag-ar Paula · Enseña: Portugués
    Habla: InglésC2 · EspañolNativo · ItalianoB1 · PortuguésC1

Hi! Hola! My name is Paula and I'm an Argentinian citizen living in Barcelona. I'm a Graduated English, Spanish and Portuguese teacher. I have been working in this field for more than 10 years and in different areas: schools, academies, companies, private and online lessons. I love languages and teaching. Currently, I'm doing a master in Digital teaching and Learning. My Lessons are always focused towards the students' needs and interests as well as the use of games and fun to provide a cheerful and relaxing atmosphere.

hace 4 años

Etiquetas: Clases

10 € / por hora

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