¿Tienes claro tu destino? Los mejores chollos en alojamientos son los primeros en volar, ¿dejarás que se te adelanten?

¡Quiero buscar casa YA!

Certificated teacher Greek language teacher with 7 years of experience. I have attended a plethora of seminars like Adult Educa

  • flag-gr Alexandra · Enseña: Griego
    Habla: InglésC2 · GriegoNativo

Γεια σας, Hello, Hola, Bonjour, 您好 everyone! My name is Alexandra.I am from Greece and I love teaching! I have been teaching the last seven years. I’ve made teaching my career because I love helping my students feel the joy and accomplishment of meeting their language goals. Together we can learn not only the language but also the greek culture and the people's way of living. The lessons are costumed to each student's personal goals and pace!

The subjects I teach are: modern greek language, litterature,ancient greek, latin and history. Shall we start?

hace 4 años

Etiquetas: Clases

16 € / por hora

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