¿Tienes claro tu destino? Los mejores chollos en alojamientos son los primeros en volar, ¿dejarás que se te adelanten?

¡Quiero buscar casa YA!

Native French speaker aiming to help people in learning French

  • flag-fr Coline · Enseña: Francés
    Habla: InglésC2 · EspañolC1 · FrancésNativo

Hello! I'm Coline, a 18 year old student passionate about languages and travels.

I can adapt my lessons to any level, from very beginners to (almost) experts.
I can help you write your essays, application letters and other types of documents.
We could focus on any topic you want to improve your vocabulary, such as the touristic lexicon if you plan to travel

Familiar with a few languages, I have a particular perception when it comes to grammar rules and specificities of the language in general, which I can explain in different ways so you find your own way to understand and learn ;)

If you want to develop skills like sounding like a native, you've reached the right person!

hace 1 año

Etiquetas: Clases

12 € / por hora

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