
flag-es Rocio Arrabalin Serra — 0 personas siguen al autor

Contar de manera breve mi experiencia como Voluntaria en Lithuania

Publicaciones en el blog

  • Trakai

    Buenos dias a todos! En este post me gustaria hablar acerca de Trakai, es una ciudad cercana a Vilnius a 30 minutos aproximadamente. Se trata de una pequna ciudad muy turistica por su gran lago que casi rodea a toda la ciudad y su hermosos castillo rodeado enteramente...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Trakai hace 8 años
  • Viaje a Polonia

    Buenos dias Erasmus y Erasmus +, en este post me gustaria hablar acerca pequeno pero intenso viaje realizado la semana pasada a Polonia. Fuimos a una carrera solidaria, y es que, tosdos loas anos, una residencia de ancianos organiza una carrera benefica en pro a la...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Polonia hace 8 años
  • Clases de baile

    Buenos dias Erasmus! Esta semana parece que empieza interesante y es que ya vamos cerrando proyectos y actividades! En primer lugar,muy feliz,  al ver las ganas que la gente de la residencia le pone a las clases de baile, muy colaborativos y participantes en todo...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 8 años
  • Prienai Globos Namouse

    Buenos dias desde el soleado Prienai, en este post me gustaria hablar mas acerca del centro donde trabajo, ya que aun no hable de este y me parecio buena idea darlo a conocer ya que, supongo, que el ano que viene alguien estaria interesado en venir.El centro es una...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 8 años
  • Clases de baile

    Buenos dias chicos/as de Erasmus y Erasmus + hoy me gustaria hablar sobre las nuevas clases de baile que hemos comenzado, mi companera Anna y yo en la residencia Prienai Globos Namouse. Se trata de unas clases de baile espanol y ruso donde pretendemos como objetivo...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 8 años
  • Acerca de mi proyecto en el EVS

    En este post me gustaria habalr acerca del proyecto, que yo y mi companera Anna queremos llevar a cabo en  el centro donde nos encontramos, que como ya dije en uno de los priemeros posto, se trata de una residencia de ancianos en la pequea ciudad de Prienai, a apenas...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 8 años
  • Siaulei

    After long you vacaiones in Spain and the meeting held last week I return to the routine with all batteries charged :)This post I would like to dedicate it to the city of Siaulei, because this weekend I was fortunate to spend in this city and discover how beautiful...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Šiauliai hace 8 años
  • Siaulei

    After long you vacaiones in Spain and the meeting held last week I return to the routine with all batteries charged :)This post I would like to dedicate it to the city of Siaulei, because this weekend I was fortunate to spend in this city and discover how beautiful...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Šiauliai hace 8 años
  • Change

    This week has been very different since my task in the volunteer program Erasmus + has been very different from what is usually. This week I felt the recognition of my work all these months, these weeks have once been very good for me in my workplace and not just...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 8 años
  • Prienai Globos Namouse

    This week, as a volunteer in Prienai Balloons Namouse has been a fun week, as residents of the residence have recorded a movie about the residence, and both myself, as my companion, have helped in choosing clothes, photos, video, even in the movie :) so we could say...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 8 años
  • Pascua Eve

    This Sunday was Pascua Eve day, and In Prienai Globos Namouse was held with different balloons, games, paintings, performances... was made all great fun, but the best you could find in the street of the main city, Vilnius, the streets were full of people, I accompanied...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Vilna hace 8 años
  • Meeting

    At the post of this week I would like to talk about the meeting that we made in the Erasmus + program, we celebrate 3 meeting, the first is on arrival, to explain more about the programs, our jobs, our future work, house ... the second meeting about your  evolution...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Vilna hace 8 años
  • EVS

    Good morning EVS and Erasmus, this week I would like to talk a little more about the EVS, and several people have told me it's like a ERASMUS and I would like to make it clear that it is not. The EVS is a European Voluntary Service, which according to the project you...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 9 años
  • EVS

    Good morning EVS and Erasmus, this week I would like to talk a little more about the EVS, and several people have told me it's like a ERASMUS and I would like to make it clear that it is not.The EVS is a European Voluntary Service, which according to the project you...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 9 años
  • Weekend for Vilnius

    This weekend I went to an EVS, she lives in Vilnius, Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania... so as you can imagine this is a real capital, although small, is that we can find incredible views, the river and the old town as the malls where there is nothing you can not...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Vilna hace 9 años
  • Prienai

    Good morning EVS and ERASMUS, this week I've spent visiting Prienai and all its charms, because after more than two months here had not yet seen the village completely, say that despite being quite small, is provided with all shops, schools, sports centers... necessary...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 9 años
  • My birthday

    My birthday!  This week has started very well since last Sunday was my birthday and arrive on Monday, all social workers of my job received me with a rose and a handmade present  for them besides  had  lunch all together and i brought a cake for the...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 9 años
  • Back to the routine

    Back to the routine!This week we call the week of accommodation after the long Christmas break and have to continue with you routine, but i wanted come back! I  wanted to go back and saw my grandparents!They makes your job very rewarding! This week we had a very...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 9 años
  • Holydays

    Good morning, this week has been a week really emotive,  the center was visited by many people, a famous actress of comedy, children elementery schooh that singing and dancing really well, a group of young politic- democratic Prienai. A lot of entreteniments...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 9 años
  • Christmasweek

    Good afternoon Erasmus + bloggers this week has been a quiet but with many emotions to the surface week as Christmas is a fact and it shows in the atmosphere ... at work we have a lot of fun making thousands of Christmas crafts, singing carols, giving gifts ... well...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Prienai hace 9 años

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