Alice Foglia

Ciudades que sigue

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Actividad de Alice

  • Compartir piso

    23 yo italian girl in erasmus for 6 months in Namur

    Hi everyone! I'm 23 yo and i am italian. I will spend 6 months in Namur( september 2021 to February 2022) for erasmus project and i am searching for an accomodation. I prefer to live with girls like me and  it's ok to me if you have a domestic animal with you. I will...

    en Compañeros de piso Namur, hace 3 años
  • Foro

    ERASMUS NAMUR 2021-2022

    Ciao Noemi!! Anch'io cerco un alloggio da settembre 2021 per 6 mesi. Frequentero la facoltà di economia a Namur.

  • Foro

    Erasmus 2021/ 2022

    Hi everyone!  I'm Italian ?? and i will live in Namur for 6 months (since september 2021 to february 2022) for the Erasmus project. I will study economics in EISN, haute université de Namur and i am searching for a kot and friends too. Hope it will be a wonderful...

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