Experience in Latina, Italy by AGNIESZKA INGA
What is it like to live in Latina? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Latina is a small city, comfortable to live as the distances are shirt between the university sites and you can even go by bycycle to the beach. The climate is fantastic, you can admire...
Cerchiamo un coinqulino italiano :) CRACOVIA
Ciao, sono Agnese e sono nata a Cracovia , vivo a Latina vicino Roma, i miei genitori affittano vari appartamenti a studenti, nel centro di Cracovia vicino il castello, mia madre parla benissimo italiano e vive in quella palazzina, se ti interessa fammi sapere,...
Compañeros piso
Hola ! We are a family who have hosted a Spanish Erasmus student Jose in our house in Latina from October 2011 till March 2012. It was a very nice experiece with this boy from Sevilla, which stayed in our family and we enjoyed it very much. I tried to learn Spanish...