Veronica Gregori

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  • Forum

    House in Gent

    Hi tim van! I'm Veronica from italy and I'll be in Gent from Oct till Jan are your housemates all boys? do they mind if I'm a girl? anyway, can you send me some pictures of the room and the house? let me know on my fb profile (Veronica Gregori). Bye ;)

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    Erasmus gent 2012 2013 ITALIA

    Ciao ragazzi, anche io sarò a gent per scrivere la tesi da ottobre. Ma non ci capisco nulla in questo sito. che si deve fare per trovare una camera? 

  • Forum

    Erasmus Gent 2012 / 2013 (English)

    I'm in!I'm looking for a single room and housemates! We could find a flat togheter. Let me know! Veronica from Italy (contact me on fb if you want: Veronica Gregori)

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    Need a room

    Hi Magda, I'm Veronica I'll be in Gent from October till january. I need to find a single room, if you want we could try to find a apt. for rent togheter. Meanwhile, I keep looking for! Good luck!

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    Erasmus Gent 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hi! I'm Veronica from Italy I'll be in Gent from October 'till January to write my final paper and I was wondering if any of you were interested in finding an apt. to share, or if you have a room for rent. Contact me on facebook Bye :) 

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