Tobias Erbacher

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  • Forum

    Lugano 09/2023 Starters Meet-Up

    Hey there, future USI-students! I'm going to start my master's degree at Università della Svizzera italiana in September 2023 in Artificial Intelligence. Since I'm probably not the only one who moves to Lug ano [erasmusu wouldn't let me post this if I kept it...

  • Mitbewohner

    22 y/o (m) looking for an accommodation in Lugano

    UPDATE: I have found an accommodation in Lugano on USI's rental listings database. However, if you're looking to connect with new people in Lugano, I'm still eager to find out which trouble-makers are going to stroll around the university ;) Hello,In September 2023, I...

    in Mitbewohner Lugano, vor einem Jahr

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