Aktivität von Rónán
Erasmus Belfast 2010 / 2011 (Español)
Hola a todos. Yo estaré de erasmus en Barcelona este septiembre. Yo soy de Belfast- si necesitáis información no duden en contactarme ya que sé lo dificil que es encontrar información en internet! Saludos.
por Rónán en Erasmus Forum Belfast -
Alguien va a TRABAJAR? Anyone going to WORK?
That sounds like a cool job- not sure where La Pau is (only been to bcn a few times). Yeah I hopefully start Aug/Sept just with an accounting firm in Barcelona city. Suppose I'm gonna need the erasmus grant though seeing as the wage would be illegal at home...
por Rónán en Erasmus Forum Barcelona -
Alguien va a TRABAJAR? Anyone going to WORK?
Thanks Jenny :) I assume English is your first language, so I'll write in English... Out of curiosity, where are you going to work in Barcelona? Also, is it an Erasmus placement? I don't actually know if mine is but I'm still getting the erasmus grant so...
por Rónán en Erasmus Forum Barcelona -
Looking for a shared apartment with other erasmus or international students
Hey Veerle! Just wondering, have you had any luck in your search for roommates? I keep finding apartments with spare bedrooms, but I'd rather get an apartment with other people who are moving to Barcelona.
por Rónán en Erasmus Forum Barcelona -
Alguien va a TRABAJAR? Anyone going to WORK?
HOLA! Buenos días a todos. Alguien va a Barcelona a trabajar? Me gustaría encontrar gente para compartir piso. Escríbeme si te interesa! Hey- anyone going to work in Barcelona? Would like to find people to share accomodation with- let me...
por Rónán en Erasmus Forum Barcelona