Paola Pisciottano

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  • Forum

    Erasmus Toulouse 2010 / 2011 (English)

    Hi! vijay! yeh e wish to find a flat togheder. we can keep in touch. we have to know how many people we are. I m going to arriv. in the first days i think to stay in a hostel and look fora flat there with other people..add me to facebook if u have! paola

  • Forum

    Erasmus Toulouse 2010 / 2011 (English)

    Hi! I m Paola and i m coming to Toulouse in September for 9 months. I would like to share house with other students and Erasmus students. My idea is to find a room or also a flat with other people. I m an easy going person and i m used to live with other people. If...

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