Mary Mutswiri

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  • Job


    Looking for an englIsh playmate for a child then you got the right person. I have experience for over one year and I would like to help you and your child in improving your English. It's normal to have your doubts I have references can't wait to have you join my lessons

    in Studentenjobs Istanbul, vor 4 Jahren
  • Erfahrung

    Erasmus Experience in Istanbul, Turkey by Mary

    Why did you choose to go to Istanbul, Türkei? Because it has always been my dream countryHow long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? 4 yearsWhat is the student lifestyle like in Istanbul? It’s kinda hard at first but as...

  • Job

    English playmate

    Looking for an English playmate for your kids?Then you just got Lucky to find one have experience with 3 Turkish kids aged 4;5and 7 believe the progress is Magnificent , english is fun and easy if taught in the right way so if you want the best for for your kids don't...

    in Studentenjobs Istanbul, vor 5 Jahren

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