Aktivität von Manuel
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hello! I bring you here some information about the association Erasmus Compostela: Erasmus Association Compostela, established as a non-profit association with legal personality and duly registered in the records for both the Xunta de Galicia, as an...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (Español)
¡Hola! Os traigo aquí información sobre la asociación Erasmus Compostela: La Asociación Erasmus Compostela, constituida como asociación sin ánimo de lucro, con personalidad jurídica y debidamente inscrita en los registros correspondientes tanto de la...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
I don't really know about the prices, as I'm from Santiago my mother is the one who takes care of the bills so I don't know. But about the quality and popularity I would recommend you to hire internet with "R" or with "Movistar", but I would say you would take care...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (Español)
Alma, matemáticas es en el campus sur, muy cerca del centro de la ciudad, yo voy a alquilar un piso en breves con un amigo, si nos queda un sitio libre os pongo aquí para quien quiera venirse, pero aun asi supongo que empezaremos el alquiler en septiembre.
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
I said there are no courses in english (I believe so) but I don't know anything about master degrees, maybe at master level there are courses in english, at bachelor I think that not but I'm not exactly sure, at least I've never heard about a friend getting a course in...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hello, I'm going to answer to some of your questions: Damira, I'm afraid that there are not courses in english in the USC (Apart than in english filology of course), at least I've never heard of them and I've been three years studying there. Karolina, the link you are...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (Español)
Hola, yo soy de Santiago y te puedo asegurar de que no te vas a arrepentir de venir, es una ciudad muy universitaroa y la fiesta es muy buena, el alquiler de piso deberías hacerlo en el verano porque sino despues solo vas a conseguir piso en los barrios de las...
Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hello everybody, I'm a student born in Santiago de Compostela and I've been this last year in an erasmus in Sweden, so I know that at the beginning you could feel a little lost in a new place, that's why I'm telling you that if you have any doubts or questions...