Kumar Ravi

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  • Mitbewohner

    Fun loving Indian, looking for a flat mate in Nice

    Bonjour! I'm a 28 year old Indian student looking for people who might be interested in a house to share from November 2020 to May 2020. I'm a native English speaker, and hoping to improve my French during my time in Nice. I'm easygoing, humorous and friendly always up...

    in Mitbewohner Nizza, vor 4 Jahren
  • Forum

    Erasmus Nice 2020 / 2021 (English)

    Hello Everyone,I am Ravi and will be studying at UCA-Nice from November to September 2021. I am looking forward to meeting one and all. I am Indian, currently starting Engineers for Smart Cities at UCA in Nice. Hope to see y'all Nice :) 

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