Karina Schell

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    traineeship 2021

    Hey Giulia, I would be happy to hangout once you arrive! 

  • Forum

    Erasmus Dublin 2021 / 2022 (English)

    Hey there, this is Karina! I am from Germany and I am 21 years old. I'm studying at Heidelberg University but am currently doing an internship in Dublin. I'll be here til the end of October and am looking forward to meet chill people to have a good time with. I am...

  • Forum

    Dublin 2021/2022

    Hi there! My name is Karina, I am from Germany and am now 21 years old. I just arrived in Dublin for an internship, if you want to hang out once you arrive hit me up! I used to learn Spanish in school, so I still understand most of everyday life conversations.

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Bitte warte einen Moment

Lauf Hamster! Lauf!