Greg Ar Tsambalas

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flag-be Belgien
flag-gr Griechenland
flag-bg Bulgarien

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flag-be Greg Ar Tsambalas

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Aktivität von Greg

  • Forum

    Sofia from september to February UNWE

    Hi everyone, I'm Greg and I'm 22 years old. I'm going to Sofia from september to february but, like a lot of people here I don't know anyone there, so I was wondering if we could meet with other students who are going there too, or maybe some who are already...

  • Mitbewohner

    Looking for accommodation and roommates

    I am looking for other students to share a flat in Sofia. I'm going to study at the University of National and World Economy, but I'm thinking about living in the city center. I come from Belgium, I' m 22, I'm kind and dynamic (unless the hangover-days), I love sports...

    in Mitbewohner Sofia, vor 9 Jahren
  • Mitbewohner

    Looking for accommodation and roommates

    I am looking for other students to share a flat in Sofia. I'm going to study at the University of National and World Economy, but I'm thinking about living in the city center. I come from Belgium, I' m 22, I'm kind and dynamic (unless the hangover-days), I love sports...

    in Mitbewohner Sofia, vor 9 Jahren

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