Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)

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Hi, unfortunatly I have to leave Valencia and so there will be my room free! The flat is very close to university and the room will be available from the end of february...if someone is interested just ask me!

Hola Todos ! 

My name is Marta. Me and my friend Ariel are polish students and we are studying at UPV (Industrial Design and Computing).
We are looking for a faltmate, but not polish one, because we want to improve English and Spanish  :) 

The flat is really nice and comfortable. There are 3 rooms, quite big livingroom with tv,  full equiped kitchen with fridg, oven, microwave and of course bathroom :) 
The third room is availabe for 5 or more months. The price is 250 Euro with everything included (internet and bills). 
It's Benimaclet area, on the Calle de Enrique Navarro, so it's close to the UPV :)

If you are interested please write to me: [email protected]


Hi all,

I am from Turkey, and i m going to study Electronic Engineering in UPV for 5 months. I am looking for a flat to share with other students. If you are looking for a flatmate please let me know.

contact : [email protected]

I'm an American undergraduate student currently studying in France through ISEP. I have created a wiki to allow students who have already studied through an ISEP program or who are currently studying in an ISEP program to share information they have gathered during their experiences. Students often find themselves lost or anxious for information about their programs a few months before departure as well as the first few weeks in their host country. The information on the wiki could help students who are currently participating in ISEP programs or who are going to depart for a program in the coming months. This wiki is not affiliated with ISEP Central.


You can add information to the page created for the countries where you have studied. The universities pages are also good places to share information specific to the city where you studied. I have created pages for all participating ISEP universities in the United States and abroad, including your university's program. Each page has suggested headings and topics, but you may share whatever information you feel will be helpful to current and future students participating in ISEP programs. Thank you for your help!


We are two girls from Belgium and we are doing our internship in Valencia from 26 of May until 26 of June.
We are still looking for a place to stay for this period. Does anyone know rooms that are available for this period?
Please let us know!


We have two rooms avaliable, we are looking for a quite, clean and responsable people to live with us (italian girl and me spanish boy) Its near the city center, please send me a message if you are interested and i will send you photos and tell you more:

If you are a student ERASMUS newcomer Valencia, and would like to know it thoroughly to become a more Valencia, before your life on campus, do not hesitate and come to the guided tour with us. Our route will let you know the monuments, museums and buildings in your new city, and also you'll get all the maps you need for your new life here (metro, buses, hospitals, nightclubs, entertainment, shopping ...)


Route for the first day (duration of one day)       ONLY 45 euros

- Visit to the Torres de Serrano

- Visit the Plaza de la Virgen and the Water Court

- Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the homeless

- Visit to the professor (Cathedral, Miguelete, and Chapel of the Holy Grail)

- Visit to Queen Square (1 hour for lunch)

- Travel by tourist bus

- Visit to the Market

- Visit the central market

- Tour bus tour to the Albufera (natural park)

- Boat ride on the Albufera (1 hour)


Route for the second day (optional Duration: 1, 2 or 3 days)        ONLY 35 euros

- Visit the museum fallero

- Visit the City of Arts and Sciences (Oceanography, hemispheric and Science Museum Principe Felipe) (You can visit every building on different days, so you need 3 days, however, you can see the Aquarium in a day and the Hemispheric and Museum in another, so that in two days you can see all)


Hi! I'm a valencian studentof UPV looking for a room from September to January. I would be interested in sharing the flat with some erasmus students to live the erasmus experience in my own city.

If someone has any available room let me know!! Thanks

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