Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)

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Hi ! I'm going to live in valencia from september. We are two spanish boys who are interested to share language knowledge, we can teach spanish, introduce you to my friends, and make so cool spanish partys, and you can teach us English. We are in UPV, studying IT and Teleco. We are nice people and we are looking for nice people too. We are think to share a flat with other two persons more, preferably girls, because a flat with 4 boys can be a madness. We have a flat yet! Price is 700 euros between 4, 175€ per person. 4 rooms (two "big" rooms and two rooms more small) , 1 bath, 1 big kitchen, 1 terrace ( around 3 m2), 1 "court" (I dont know if is this word), and of course one big dining room!!! Looks very good and I hope you like it too. We need flatmates for all the next year! If you want photos send me an email. My email is [email protected] , Bye

I think all of people here are nice, very, very nice, it can't be different ;)

Hi, everyone!!
I will be studying in UPV till February!
I'll be in Valencia in September 7th and I haven't found a flat yet. Sooo, if you have some offer for me let me know!! :)

Here you have a lot of offers :
if you really want to find sth you have to spend a lot of time on this page ... ;) Good luck :D
By the way, I will be in Valencia from september to February too. Where you will be study?

Hola a todos! I'm arriving the september 7th (llike Inese) and I still haven't a room! Ask me if someone is looking for flatmate! I'll study at UV, campus Burjassot, and you?

My name is Susana and i´m going to study architecture in Valencia this september.
Like everyone else i´m looking for a place to stay =)

Hola a todas!
I'm coming to Valencia in mid-September, and like everybody else I'm looking for people to live with/somewhere to live! I'd like to live with some Spanish people to improve my Spanish and also help them with their English if they want!
Where are the best areas to live?!

Hola Chloe! I know that the best area to live is near Benimaclet! What are you studyng? In wich day you'll be in valencia?

Ah ok, I've seen a really nice flat in Ciutat Vella in the centre, but I wasn't sure what the area is like to live in! I'm going to be working but I still want to make friends with all the erasmus students and live nearish the university! Will be coming on the 17th of September I think!

Hola a todos!me llamo juan y voy a estudiar en Valencia Filosofia!Hablo espanol,griego,ingles y frances!Estoy buscando un piso compaertido cerca de la universidad o en la zona benimaclet.


Hi guys!

You can find more flats for rent at http://www.upv.es/pls/oalu/sic_pisos.busca_piso?P_IDIOMA=i it's a service of UPV to help his student to find a flatmate.

I hope you stay as pleasant as that I had

Hola todos!
I will study agriculturevin Valencia this semester. I'm a 24 years old guy from Germany and looking for a flat in Valencia. Want to move some international people together, better be without other German guys:-)

Hi everybody, i'm JB.
I'm going to study at the UPV from september to devemcer 2011 : I'm going to do the "european project semester".
I think Erasmus's time is a very good experience to meet a lot of people from differents countries.
I speak English, and a little of spanish.

Contact me if you want.

Bye !

Hola a todos!
Llegué ayer a Valencia.
¿Quién está aquí?


I'm arriving the 7th! Have you still found a room?

Yes, I found a room by internet.
See and register yourself in this site http://www.easypiso.com/
Resulted for me.



I'm a Hungarian law student and still am looking for a room urgently. If you have any or searching for roommates please let me know. I will be in Valencia on the 10 th of September.


If I know something I tell you.

Marta, if you can, tell also to me if you know someone looking for a flatmate!gracias!

Hi guys ! I'm coming to Valencia tomorrow which is 29th(monday). I still don't have any flat but I have a place to stay for the first 2days... If you know any nice flats with erasmus or spanish students please let me know. Something around 150-250 Euros and of course not to far from Uni.

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