Erasmus Sofia 2013 / 2014 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 12 Jahren
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Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I applied myself to the university residence and was accepted and think there are only erasmus students there!
Milos Dimitrovski
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hello everyone. I am Milos from Belgrade, Serbia. I will study Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. I received scholarship for master degree program so I will be in Sofia from October 2013 till July of 2015.I hope that here I can find out information about accommodation weather flat or dorm, about faculty itself, and of course get to know people who will also be in Sofia.
Piia Pursiainen
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I haven't heard of this residence option eather.. :) could you Mariana tell us little bit more, please? :)
Or maybe you meant just a regular International incomings residence for Erasmus students? Then it's studentski grad I think :)
Alex Gonzalez
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I am! I´m waiting the result! If I am choosen I will be there at the beggining of september more or less!
Mariana do you mean studenski or another one?
Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
My university give me an application form and i send to sofia university and they tell me that i've been accepted in student campus of Sofia University. Now I don't know if it is only for erasmus students or if it's in Studenski grad!
I applied myself for the EILC course but i haven't received any answer yet. You applied for bulgarian course too Piia? :)
Piia Pursiainen
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Yes, I applied too. :)
I check my email all the time wondering if the results might be already there. Can't wait! :)
Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Yeaaa, me too! However I think it will be difficult to learn Bulgarian, at least for me, it's so difficult hahaha :)
Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Alex, sorry I haven't seen your post! It's like I said to Piia, I don't know where is it.
I'm going to Bulgaria on 2st of September because the flight is cheaper for me at that time but the erasmus coordinator told me that I can only stay in residence from September 20 so I don't know what I'm gonna do :/
Piia Pursiainen
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Yes Mariana, I think it will be VERY difficult with cyrillic alphabets. :-D well, I guess many people speak good English nowadays so it won't be a big problem :)
Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I hope they speak a very good english in Bulgaria! I'll go with two friends from Portugal too and we go studying Psychology! What you'll go study for Sofia? :)
Piia Pursiainen
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Great! :) I will study International business, at least that's my main subject in Finland. :)
Xabier Salazar
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Some of the spanish incoming students next year in sofia have applied for EILC at the kliment ohdrisky university starting in early september. We are in the spanish forum but you can enter there and ask questions you have if you want :)
Mariana, most of the Erasmus student´s bedrooms are in studenski although your university is not there, but i guess it depends on the university where you will be in Sofia. If you have to be there before than your bedroom is ready, you may can stay in the EILC university hostel or rooms they are offering. Perhaps I am in the same case.
About the cyrillian alphabet, i think it seems more difficult than actually it is. I think that to learn the characters will be easy. The problem will be the bulgarian tongue, at least for us (spanish, portuguese), because it is very different, like polish or hungarian.
Best regards!
Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
But they have an EILC university hostel Xabier? I didn't no about that! Do you have any link for that? It's because i have no idea about what i'm gonna do!!
About the bulgarian language I think the accent will be more easy than learning the characters because portuguese people have facility to "imitate" all languages due to the diversity of accentuation of words that we have. But I don't know, we will see! I learn spanish and english during the highschool, I hope that's enough for living :) ahahahaha
Xabier Salazar
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Mariana here you have the link about EILC courses: Click on their application forms and you'll find some information about acomodation. I guess you have to be admitted in the course to apply for it.
I also hope that my english is enough to manage by myself there ^^
I´ll go there without the first certificate but i think i got the level or i'll reach it fast :)
Sobre o acento portuges, xa che contarei cando volva a finales de xullo das vacions en Lisboa e no Algarve haha. De momento so sei dos do norte de todo
Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Thank you Xabier :) I've already see this website but thak you anyway :)