Erasmus Sofia 2013 / 2014 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 12 Jahren
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Martin Neshev
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hello to everyone,
I am from Sofia and live here, but in September I'm leaving for Pisa, Italy.
I saw that someone said that Studentski Grad is an option for living. Yes, it is, but if you ask me - don't go there, the rooms are small, old, dirty, ecc. I have friends living there, I've been to some parties in those places, but I wouldn't stay there.
It is true that it is very cheap, but if I were you, I would take a look at some small appartments or rooms that are being offered for rent in almost any other place in the town.
How much you are ready to pay for a month, just to know and to tell you if it is enought or too much? :)
Wiola Gosz
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I don't really know how much it will cost, but my scholarship will be very , VERY small. That's why I chose Studentski grad.
Borja Parada
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Same here as Wiola. Can you tell us what's the lowest price for a room in the city, Martin?
marko businessman
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
My scholarship is not so small hehe, maybe for some countries 400E/month is not high but according to information from net it sholud be enough for staying in Sofia.
What about your scholarships? :)
What do you say Martin? :D
I think that two other students from my facolty are also going there and we were thinking about renting apartment for three... The highest amount probably 350-400E per month, the cheaper accomodation - more money to have fun hehe
Adriaan from
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I was also planning to search something I could rent. Of course I prefer to arrange it before I get in Sofia, so I would be sure I already got a place to sleep... I think the dorms are only 50 €/month, so that's really nothing! I doubt you can go ANY cheaper! ;-) What do you call a VERY small scholarship? I think I'll get 300 €/month, and that seems very fair to me, especially in a cheap country like Bulgaria! Food and drinks are very cheap there compared to e.g. Belgium... + you also have to eat and drink and make living costs in your home country, so it's normal if you can't pay everything with your scholarship I think. I'm planning to search a room for myself or share an apartment with someone not too far from the university (max. 2 km?) in a price range of 150 € - 300 €. For 300 €, you get a luxurious furnitured studio in Bulgaria while here in Belgium you get an empty room in a student city for that money. It doesn't have to be luxurious though, but I'd like to be housed in something which is a little less crappy than the dorms... :-) Martin, do you perhaps know if there are a lot of rooms/apartments for rent in the studentski grad district? Grtz
Wiola Gosz
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
My scholarship is 200euro/month, so the least of all of us. Of course you need to have money with you it is known that money quickly disappear :). That's why I prefer the dorm. Besides, no one else from my school is going to Bulgaria so I will not have someone to share a rented apartment.
Martin Neshev
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
It depends if you want to have a single room, a double one or a whole appartment. You can find whole appartments for about 300-350 euro a month, but without the bills, which is about 100 euro more. Those are the prices for the appartments in the central part of the town, which normally is the best. If you divede it between all the people that have occupied the appartment, it is not so much. It depends of course how many people are you going to be in it.
Somebody speaking italian? It would be much easier for us :D
The dormitory is about max 30-50 euro a month, but like I've said before - I wouldn't go there. :)
marko businessman
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Is center of Sofia good connected with Studentski grad?
Do you know maybe local webpages where we can see flats or dorms for rent?
Ho studiato italiano alla scuola ma non l'ho mai parlato :) tu sei d'Italia?
Martin Neshev
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
It is very well connected. You can use busses number 94 and 280, which are used almost only by students :D There is also an underground you can use. But if you do, you must know that you must use the 280 bus to get to the university, but I think It will take not more than 10 minutes. Whatever you choose, it is easy, it takes max 30 minutes to get from the city centre to the UNWE.
I didn't knew any websites for appartments that are being offered, but I found this one, which seems nice to me. The only problem is that it is on bulgarian language only, but do not mind asking me anything you need or you don't understand. :)
Io ho abitato in Svizzera per qualche anni, ma ero vicinissimo a Italia, vicino a Como. Il mio italiano non e perfetto, anche se anch'io ho studiato un po alla squola. ;) Sono anche un gran tifoso interista, vado sempre alla curva e anche questo mi ha aiutato. Da dove sei tu?
marko businessman
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Ok, then it doesn't metter in which part of Sofia i'll stay, connection with UNWE is good.
I'll search a little on this page, for other possible info i'll bother you :)
Italiano e officiale in Svizzera? Io sono da Croazia, da Split. Ho deciso di studiare semestre in Sofia perche mi sembrava meglio da studiare in un capitale sebbene potevo andare in Italia in citta piccole como Venezia o Bologna. Bulgaro e un po simile a Croato, anche ho paura da alfabeto cirilliano :) ma ho voglia di imparare! Usate anche alfabeto latino qualche volta?
E che tu studi?
Martin Neshev
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
No, l'alfabeto latino non si usa qua, solo cirilico. E un po duro per i stranieri, questo lo so. Ma anch'io ho visto in una chiesa a Como a Italia qualcosa scritto in croato e ho capito quasi tutto, e molto piu facile dal serbo o il russo. :) Io ho pensato di andare per l'anno prossimo a Zagarabia(Zagreb), ma all'ultimo momento ho deciso di andare a Pisa, perche e piu vicino da Milano.
Anche l'italiano e una lingua ufficiale in Svizzera, si. Io sono stato a Ticino, uno dei cantoni piu vicini di Italia e tutti parlano quasi solo questo. ;)
Io studio storia dalla Penisola Balcanica e politica a Sofia. Una parte da tutto questo fa parte anche la vostra storia e penso che sono robe molto interesanti! E tu, cosa fai?
Martin Neshev
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
You are welcome, I'm glad that I can help you. ;)
Of course it is better if you can find some place in Studentski Grad, but I don't know how many of the new buildings in the neighborhood can offer appartments for rent. There are some, but you need to take a look at this or another website. ;) In Studentski Grad most of the blocks are very old and in a terrible condition and of course all the dorms are in them. There are some new and nice blocks around them, you must try those, but I don't think that there are too many of them.
marko businessman
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Ma Zagreb e noioso, Split e Dalmacija sono altra storia, specialmente durante l'estate :)
Io studio economia, management finanziario... Ma storia dal Balkan e piu interesante. Noi non abiamo quel modo di storia qui, solo storia generale, non sono sicuro che Zagreb ha la storia specializzato per Balkan. Spesso discuto con gli amici della nostra storia che e molto complicata e tutti abbiamo opinione diverso da tutto. Sarebbe interessante vedere che libri stranieri dicono della storia Croata :)
Bulgaro e Croato sono un po simili quando ascolti la gente parlano, anche parti della citta hanno nomi simili (per esempio Studentski grad) ma la lettera complica le cose :)
Martin Neshev
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
А me la Croatia piace tantissimo, ho un plan per fare un giro con un gruppo di amici con le macchine per andare al mare qua :) Anche la storia di Dalmacija e molto interessante per me, questi contatti con le citta italiane( Genoa, Venezia ecc.) sono la mia specialita :)
Non so se a Zagreb c'e la stessa storia per studiare i Balcani, ma non e importante, perche come sai puoi andare a studiare una roba un po piu differente, ma dopo devi fare gli esami che non hai fatto allo posto che vai con la programma di Erasmus. :)
leopold Cart
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I'm leopold, i'will study in the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG) of Sofia next year.
I want to know if some other erasmus will study in the university of architecture?
Or if somebody have receive then EILC programs?
Piia Pursiainen
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I'm going to Sofia Uni. Bulgaria this autumn and going to stay at Studentski grad. They send email to me from the uni. that the monthly rent is only 35e wich I think is pretty cheap. I wished single room but this initial stage they couldn't promise it - so I really hope my roommate will be nice! :) Only couple months left and my flight to Bulgaria can start.. I'm so excited! Wiola maybe we will see there!
Mariana Isabel
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
My name is Mariana and I'm from Portugal. I'm going to Sofia University too. I'm going study Psychology from September to June and i'm going to stay in the erasmus residence :) anyone else gonna stay there too?