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Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)

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Cheap, beautiful, in the centre of Europe,...
I study art's history... but I'll do Aesthetics, Cinema and Photography...
Philosophy is my nightmare... :(

wow aaron it seems that you are in the coolest part of the university (cinema and photography)
i choose prague cause i heard that is a very vey beautifull city
also a small city that is a whole party ....

In Spain, art's history = Art + History + Music + Cinema + Philosophy + Law + Photography + Architecture...
It's cool! Cinema and photography are cool but when you study them... They aren't so cool! Hahahaha!

Nothing's cool anymore once you start studying it, because you have to learn a lot of boring things to get to the good stuff :D And philosophy can indeed be a nightmare, I agree with that, but all in all I still love it :)

Haha same happens to me with literature, although my degree mean literature + history/culture + linguistics + teaching of English, literature is what I really like even if they make me study 200 pages of it!

Of course, I chose Prague because is my favourite visited city (and I include London and Paris here) and it is cheap! Plus when I went to Prague four years ago I looked for Universities there just for curiosity and I thought "Oh wow the Charles one is sooo old, I like old stuff" so then when I saw that the univerisity was on the Erasmus list... no more thinking!

Aaron I hope you can teach me some photography stuff because I love it but I'm very amateur! Haha

Ciao Anais, thanks for the link I'll check it in a minute:) And hi again to everyone ...
You are all studying awsome stuff, the only one that would be a nightmare to me is litterature.....sorry Anais :)
Personaly speaking I'll study International affairs and EU integration policies....!
Then I was checking threads in other pages and I saw than some are worried about being homesick and the fact that in the first few weeks they'll probably cry in their gloomy ex comunist dormitory! So I'd like to suggest one thing:
Why instead of spending our fisrt days like that, don't we figure out a way to meet all togheter somewhere as soon as we get there, and drunk off ourself so that will stop being homesinck and stuff like that? :P does it sound good???

Prague was simply the most attractive city on my faculties erasmus list. Paris would have been nice to but not really affordable. Plus my french isn't 10% as good as my english - besides I've never been to prague. And hey although I don't wanne be all about drinking, they've got the worlds best beer :)

hi guys. i study english for european institutions and economy and i'll come to prague for 1 semester in september. looking forward to see you.

and i have experiences with czech beer and i can assure you, it is the world's best beer! about the dormitories... you'll get used to it. if you have good roommate, it's not that big deal where you live.

Sounds good Francesco! But you know, once you're alone with people you don't know and in a strange place without jamón and other essential Spanish things (lol) it's normal to be homesick, but just for the first days!
The homesick party is a good idea!

Hi Barbora!

Oo Francesco i am very happy now. Because i will study international relations in Metropolitan University. I haven't found any students from my university.Have you got any information about Metropolitan university.

Hi Emre....what I know about the university it's just what I found in the web site....I unfotunatly it has no dormitory!
Beside that another guy from my university should come to the MUP too, but I don't know him yet!!!
Will figure out something more as soon as we get there:)

eheh :) I have a close friend now in MUP. I talked to him a little and he told me something about MUP.

First of all, he stayed 28 days in a hostels after he moved a flat. He said that there is no dormitory and you should stay in a flat :) Maybe i can go there in june and i can research everything about the MUP and Prague. Do you think that going language school in the end of the summer if it is possible?

Hi Nadina, Aaron, Steffen, Francesco and Amanda! :)

So... whos going to Hostivar? does anyone knows when do we have to save place? since its the best place to start... :P

Hi Sara:)
Unfotunately I can't help you with Hostivar 'cause I won't go there:)

@ Emre: well it's great that you know someone....you'll have to pass me the info that you will get:)
About the language school I didn't get if you are talking about english or czech language!!!???

Hei Panos, looks like you play guitar, right?
Are you going to take it with you, 'cause I was thinking about bringing with me my bass guitar.....but I'm still not sure!!! Anyway it would be awsome to jam sometimes if there's going to be the possibility! What kind of music do you play mostly???

I filled out the online application today and checked the box saying I need accomodation. Wrote in the comments box that I'd prefer to go to Hostivar but as far as I know Erasmus Students of Charles usually end up there anyway.
Their info says that they experienced overbooking in recent times and want to rent long-term preferably, if you move out early you have to pay a fine which will be deducted from your deposit which is around 80€.

Sara don't worry I don't think there would be so much people applying for the second semester... and I suppose you will have to do the application later? I'm not sure

We can form a nice band there! I can sing if you want! (joke, I sing like hell xD) What kind of music do you play guys? I'm curious! :)

hey francesco!
yes man i love to play guitar...but i will be in prague the second semester:(...are you goone be there that time??
of course i will bring it....bring your bass and jam all the way...
i play rock metal and sometime blues....

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