Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
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— vor 14 Jahren
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Francesco Ricci
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hanne I'll be at MUP studying international relations.....
@Panos: well the only thing that look possible to do for us is to get the falt of those which are going to leave Prague in February! :)
If we organize it may work out!
Anikó Garai
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hello everyone,
I'm also going to study English Studies at Charles University during the next semester. Is anyone else going to participate in an EILC language course in August?
Patricia L
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey Anikó, I'm going to study English Studies as well :) Are you going to study at the Arts Faculty or at the Education one? :)
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
YAY English Studies people, we should organize a trip to the UK ;)
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
ANIKÓ: I'm going to participate in an EILC Course... My EILC stats on 22nd August in Mladá Boleslav with Skoda University... And yours?
Marta Prieto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I will do the EILC in august in Prague, at the Albertov something :)
Patricia L
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Anaïs, I totally agree with you :)
Adam Hamilton
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Aniko, yeah I'm there throughout August, in Albertov.
Anikó Garai
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
@Anais, that's a really good idea!:)
@Patricia,I'm going to study at the Faculty of Arts, and you?
My EILC starts at the beginning of August (but I'm arriving at the end of July) and ends on the 26th of August.
Patricia L
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I'm going to study at the Faculty of Arts too :) So we'll see each other there hehe.
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
So I am the only one here who is going to the Faculty of Education lol
Anyway I will see you if you take the History of the E. Language for Erasmus course at your faculty ;)
Adam Hamilton
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
History of the English language? God if you ever read and understand the original Beowulf then you're better than most natives. Some people still have trouble with Shakespeare.
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hahaha! I agree with Adam... If you read and understand Beowulf... I'll build a monument for you! Hahahaha
Gabi Serrano
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey guys!, I see there will be many Spanish next year =), I will study in vsem with other girls (there are no residency so we have to find a shared flat) someone knows web pages to find flat? my coordinator told me about you know any more? if someone else looking for a shared flat contact me! We try to find a large flat to be environment erasmus!! xDDD
[email protected]
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I am not very happy with the idea of studying that course but it is obligatory for us in my university u__u
I must be a bad anglophile because I haven't read Beowulf, but I did read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and it was awful haha I'm more into Austen and Brontë!
@Gaby try these webs:
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Here, In La Laguna Universty is the first text that you read. Beowulf... In Englsih Studies... Hahahahha!
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Panos, Are you laughing with my ungly English mistake? :p
Ofcourse I'm in the middle, keeps me warm! But keep your hands above the sheets :p
Didn't we already solved our home issues panos :p we have time, we'll find something! Relax, take it easy ;)
panos kar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
no Hanne i don't laugh at other's language mistakes even if they are ungly !!
we can make a whole lot of mistakes at prague....that's the beauty...
it's all about body language!
we are two and you are we can do whatever we want at OUR bench :)
but if you want rules then it's ok..,..:)
hanne relaxed=homelless hanne
just kidding ...i just have so enthusiasm for prague and i ask these questions...
hey fransesco what about you ? did you find people to search for flat???
yes that's excellent idea !!!
Gabi Serrano
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Thank you Anais, but i found the email of one of the coordinators of Karlova and she offered me two residences Hvedza or Vetrnik,
Someone else in any of them?
sümeyye inanoğlu
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
hi..I'm Sümeyye. I will be in Prag in september .I'm going to study at Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze 2011/2012. Is here anybody who will be studing there at the same time?