Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 14 Jahren
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Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
hm yes i think its possible... I found some on the internet...but you may have problems with you citizenship. Owners dont like to rent to foreigners sometimes...
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
so what about erasmus students??for example us at metropolitan univ.,we dont have any accomodation provided by the where are we supposed to stay?!!i hope it wont be so difficult :(
miguel andreu
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I also am looking for a flat or shared room,max 300 €. If more people want to the same or know any page to find flats, I will be glad!!
thank you very much!!
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Miguel: website you are looking for is "" Unfortunately its only czech.U ll find room easily there. Just put an advertisement few weeks before you arrival. I can hepl you with that. Shared rooms are around 160Euro and single rooms from 200euro.
Iva: Metropolitan uni?:) from MUP:) What do you study? Dont wont be a problem. You will always find some single room with czech students it a matter of days. You could also stay at my place or my friends place for some time. You wont be homeless:)
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hola, un saludo desde Córdoba (Andalucía). Os invitamos a visitar esta ciudad y a mejorar vuestro nivel de español en nuestra escuela.
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
jakub thank you!great you re also at mup!im studying international and european studies!what about you?so what can you tell me about mup?because everyone is going at charles uni. and no one talks about mup!!will you still be there next year?
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I also study IRES (in czech) so we wont meet at school. Yes, ll be there next year but as long as its going to be my 3rd year (graduate year) i not gonna study daily - just every second weekend:) MUP is fine. Most of lecturers are externist from Charles uni or Economic uni Prague. However, there is a difference. MUP is a privat uni so staff is more helpful:-) 1st year of my study was easy (to me) but i havent been there this academic year and classmates say it has got quite though. But dun worry you are Erasmus:) Most of materials you ll ever need are gathered here: .... every university has got one of these...
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
ok,3 more questions and then i ll stop :).. 1)are the courses mandatoty??so do i have to go every day or i will have free time to travel(apart from weekend)?? 2)what districts of prague are better to stay to combine proximity to mup and the center?? 3)i read somewhere that courses of IRES are not taken in te main building of mup but in another nice building in Prokopova street in it true??
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I dun mind you questions... as a man Im very conceited
1. If you choose languages or some course with tutorial - YES (you need 60%)
2 P10 and P3 - but Prague transportations is one of the best in Solar system so this is not problem:) Nevertheless, you ll be fine anywhere near metro. MUP is 5mins from metro station.
3 Yes its true. To make a picture about locations.... and search for following adresses:
That green, yellow and red lines on the map are metro lines.
Main building: Dubečská 900/10
Secondary (mostly languages): Učňovská 1/100
Never been there building: Prokopova 16/100
You cant get there from main building by bus or tram. However i dun think i would have to visit more than one building a day:)
Pino Deiana
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
jakub sorry so culs is in the perifery? is it far from city center? and is it well linked with the city center?
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
ok jakub,thank you :)
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Pino: i never been there personaly but my friends study there and what i can say.. they are not happy about transportation. Buses are really packed in the morning... (ive heard)
This is culs: ( Prague bus time tables) says the jurney from city center to uni takes 24mins... best case scenario...
Station next to your uni is "Kamýcká " ... city center station is for example "Muzeum" can try to search. Sure you ll need that website...
Çağatay Özdemir
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Don't worry guys, we're gonna rock this place !
MUP ;)
Zoltan Bodogh
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hy! I'm Zoli from Hungary! I will study from september in Prague. I like to find a roommate. If you have a cheap room or do you like to know me, writhe me plese on [email protected]
Çağatay Özdemir
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
hey, i forgot to introduce myself. Im Cagatay from Turkey. I will study in Prague from October to June for a year. And also i will join to EILC language courses(Usti nab labem). Im planning to accommadate in Hostivar. But the bathrooms of Hostivar sucks. Maybe i can change my placement after couple of months.
Deniz Hacısalihoğlu
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Çağatay you'r lucky ha? :))) A year in Prague! Huhhh!
Çağatay Özdemir
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
haha i guess so. We will see what's gonna happen, am i lucky or bedevi ,D
panos kar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
wtf? i just need 2 signatures and i am done for prague....
useless , lazy coordinatorssssssssssss
Çağatay Özdemir
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
hahaha.. I haven't finished my application process,i haven't sent it yet. I have to chose my lessons. i hope im gonna do that in this week. then i will wait for acceptence letter. God help us hahah
Deniz Hacısalihoğlu
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
My flight's on 20th of June. :)) So close!