Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
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Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi guys!
Im just finishing my 1 year Erasmus in Turkey so I found out its important to have friends who would help you from the begining. So if you need anything just find me on FB:) Btw, I read some of yours previous comments and i see many of you will be acomodated in Hostivar. I lived in high school dorm right next to that uni dorms so i was inside quite a lot (u cant make parties at high school dorm) and that rooms are not nice. So I would recommand to you to find single room for 200euro or shared for 150euro. Its not expensive and better situated. It takes at least 25mins from Histivar to city center.
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi Jakub, it seems that that Hostivar place is not very luxurious hahaha. What I find weird is the fact that there are no private residence accommodation with single rooms, because sharing a room with someone you don't know it's shocking if you are not used to.
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Anaïs Ramírez: whats shocking about sharing double room with total stranger? I think its all over the World and its normal:) I had two roommates that i didint know when i started high school, same here in Turkey (really nice dorms, but expensive and i didint like my roomie) Nevertheles it is not a problem to change your room. Czech dorms are generally kind of "hippie" zones:) On the other hand foreign students get best available rooms. But you should know that dorms in Hostivar are huge concrete houses from communist era furnished with stuff from 80s and rooms are not big:) On the other hand...u cant want much for that money:) How much is that? 2000CZK?
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Yeah I know it's very cheap, but it's weird if you have had a room for yourself all your life and all of a sudden you have to share it with someone you don't know. If you look for Erasmus accommodation in Spain, UK or Ireland (and probably other countries) the normal thing is having a room for yourself (but of course it is more expensive).
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Yeah it is, but these dorms are from 80s...standards were lower in that era. When you enter your room you alsoenter different century. Dorms are usually habitated by students with limited finance. Most of us rent apartments.
panos kar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
so jakub you recommend for people with no financial problems to rent a single apartment?
do you recommend any places?
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I've heard that Žižkov and Vinohrady are the best places to rent a flat, but I think that Holešovice is quite cheap and next to Prague 1...
panos kar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
thnx anais for the informatiom !
my scholarship is 1800 euro for 4.5 months so i want to find sth with 400 euro near the centre of prague...
haha imagining living next to those beautiful huge buildings!
Francesco Ricci
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
As Anais said I heard that Vinohrday it's a nice place to look after a flat....the only thing I'm wondering about is on how many flats are going to be for rent in Prague, couse in many big cities are not many usually....hope not to have an hard time looking after it! We'll see:)
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
First of all you must decide what kind of appartment would you like. Holesovice and Vinohrady were built in middle war era. I dont like it bcs ceilings are really high like 4 or 5m. So I rather live in that concrete houses from 80s. I love Roztyly District - its on the hill and you can even see all Prague, huge park (or small forest) is right behind your house, metro, buses...everything. Yeah no pubs there:) City center is 15mins by metro. My favoutire sportbar/pub is 5mins by walk and metro. District is also 10mins by walk from Czech economic university or two stops by bus.
Panos: it may have been problem to rent an appartment for you for 4,5months but living with Czech students in their appartments is also good alternative.
The biggest accumulator of apartments from real estate agencies:
Probably best place to find shared appartment:
Another for sharing:
There are no english mutations so you can start with Czech:)
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I used Google Chrome to translate the first page weeks ago :) I am gonna explore that Roztyly district!
I suppose those flats with high ceilings are colder...
By the way, yesterday I remembered that when I went to Prague five years ago we saw Plzeňská street many times (as we were at Golf Hotel) on our way to Prague 1 by tram. I saw a kind of (I thought) cemetery with lots of vegetation and it caught my attention but I couldnt see it closely. So last night I googled it and it is the cemetery of Malá Strana. It is kind of creepy but I want to go there! Not alone or in the night, I am a coward XD
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I suppose those flats with high ceilings are colder... / logic dictates:) it wont be cold just your bill will be higher...
I saw a kind of (I thought) cemetery .../ you saw Malostranský hřbitov....
If you like cementaries you may visit Vysehrad cementery its in Vyšehrad (you ll go there its famous lookout)
Cementeries are usually open only during day.
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
So i was wrong about Hostivař dormitory....dorms were repaired and are among TOP5 dorms in the CZ (at least some rooms)
Koleje Hostivař (Univerzita Karlova Praha) -
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
thank you very much jakub,for all your information!!
Pino Deiana
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Francesco: no io parto a settembre e ci starò sei mesi circa
however guys does anyone know how CULS dorm are?
Marta Prieto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
in the spanish forum they've said that strahov is already full, and people who hasn´t sent their papers yet will have to look for an accommodation somehow else... just in case anyone wanted to know...
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Pino: CULS domrs are not bad but CULS is in Prague-Suchdol (periphery), dorms are also there (parhpas some other in city center not sure). Google images fo "czu koleje"...
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
jakub do you think is it possible to find a small studio for 300-350 euro per month(bills included)??and also for only 5 months?many people say its better to come there and then look for a place to stay rather than through the internet,do you think the same?
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I dont think its better to come and look. Internet is your best chance if you dont know any local artists who could help you. If i take into account Pragues attractiveness for all kind of artists I dont think many studios will be available. I just checked some websites and there are some studios..the cheapest one for 280euro without bills. - .....
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
by studio i mean garsioniera-small apartment!!