Eduardo Urbina

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  • Forum

    Language Exchange mates!

    Ciao a todos/as! I am a 25 yo Political Sciences Student, I'm looking for tandem mates who would to improve their languages skills hanging around! My mothertongue is Spanish, Italian is my second language, I speak English, a bit of German and right now learning also...

  • Forum

    Language Exchange mates!

    Ciao a todos/as! I am a 25 yo Political Sciences Student, I'm looking for tandem mates who would to improve their languages skills hanging around! My mothertongue is Spanish, Italian is my second language, I speak English, a bit of German and right now learning also...

  • Forum

    Language Exchange mates!

    Ciao a todos/as! I am a 25 yo Political Sciences Student, I'm looking for tandem mates who would to improve their languages skills hanging around! My mothertongue is Spanish, Italian is my second language, I speak English, a bit of German and right now learning also...

  • Forum

    Language Exchange

    Ciao a todos/as! I am a Political Sciences Student staying the whole year in Umbria and living already here, I'm looking for tandem mates who would to improve their languages skills hanging around! My mothertongue is Spanish, Italian is my second language, I speak...

  • Forum

    Language Exchange

    Hi everybody!! There is someone who will like to hang out to speak German and English, Polish or other Langeages in general! Because I'll really like to improve my skills in those languages! My mothertongue is Spanish and I speak Italian almost as a native speaker! So...

  • Forum

    Help for Lithuanian, Latvian Politics Text Project

    Ciao a tutti/e! I wanted to ask you if there are  any  students from Latvia, Lithuania, or anyone who knows their History or has travelled to! because for my Project I will have to make a sort of Tesis regarding European recent/contemporary Politics situation...

  • Forum

    Language Exchange

    Hi everybody!! There is someone who will like to hang out to speak German and English, Polish or other Langeages in general! Because I'll really like to improve my skills in those languages! My mothertongue is Spanish and I speak Italian almost as a native speaker! So...

  • Forum

    Struga 2020-21

    Hii Guys!? I will take part of my Erasmus Project in the city of Struga during the first semester (Sep-Mar)! I would like to know if there is anyone else who is going to take part of the Project in Struga too! And if you know about some website or local Macedonian pages...

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