Bruna Gomes

Folgt diesen Programmen

Folgt diesen Städten

flag-it Italien

flag-pt Bruna Gomes

Aktuelle Stadt:
Politécnico de Leiria

Aktivität von Bruna

  • Forum

    Teaching Activities

    Hi, I'm an Erasmus student of Management, 3rd year. Two of the five Teaching Activities that I chose were canceled and now I'm trying to find other ones that are in English. However, the university site isn't the greatest and doesn't give the catalog with the credits...

  • Mitbewohner

    20 years old girl, looking for accommodation in Trento

    I'm a 20 years old portuguese student, I'm also a girl. I'm social, however I can adapt o the vibe in the room, so I can live in a more quiet or a more upbet place. I'm looking for a shared room, under the cost of 320 euros, near the Department of Economics in Trento,...

    in Mitbewohner Trient, vor 5 Jahren
  • Mitbewohner

    20 years old girl, looking for accommodation in Trento

    I'm a 20 years old portuguese student, I'm also a girl. I'm social, however I can adapt o the vibe in the room, so I can live in a more quiet or a more upbet place. I'm looking for a shared room, under the cost of 320 euros, near the Department of Economics in Trento,...

    in Mitbewohner Trient, vor 5 Jahren

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