Paulina Czapla

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Paulina tarafından paylaşılan mekanlar

  • Bookstore where J.K Rowling wrote Harry Potter!

    Yes, I visited book store where J. K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter! That's why I have some tips for all of you about this place. Before entering you have to go buy a ticket (5 euros). Keep your ticket, because if you buy some book there you will have -5 euro...

    0 , 6 yıl önce
  • Cálem

    HI! Today I would like to recomendate one place. "Calem"- winery with the best wine I ever try! Cost of entrence is around 15 euro and price is include of tour guide which will tell you everything about process of making wine, and of course  the best part - wine...

    0 , 6 yıl önce
  • Waterpark

    Huge water attractions, a lot of people and sun. Those things you can find in water park "Lido" I recommended in 100% !

    0 , 6 yıl önce
  • Zia Village

    Zia Village is the place where you can try the most delicious food, for sure try chicken in lemon juice (on the picture) and unfortunately I can't find more pictures from there but trust me, all think with I eat are delicious - and this view!!

    0 , 6 yıl önce
  • Portoeye

    If you will be on Kos -  you should try the best coffee in Kardamena!  

    0 , 6 yıl önce

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